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Junos CLI Reference
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queue-num queue-number <no-loss>;

Hierarchy Level

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[edit class-of-service forwarding-classes class class-name]


Map a forwarding class to an output queue number. Optionally, configure the forwarding class as a lossless forwarding class. Each switch provides enough output queues so that you can map forwarding classes to queues on a one-to-one basis, so each forwarding class can have a dedicated output queue.

On switches that use different forwarding classes and output queues for unicast and multidestination (multicast, broadcast, destination lookup fail) traffic, the switch supports 12 forwarding classes and 12 output queues, eight of each for unicast traffic and four of each for multidestination traffic. You can map some or all of the eight unicast forwarding classes to a unicast queue (0 through 7) and some or all of the four multidestination forwarding classes to the a multidestination queue (8 through 11). You cannot map a forwarding class to more than one queue (each forwarding class maps to one and only one queue), but you can map multiple forwarding classes to one queue. The queue to which you map a forwarding class determines if the forwarding class is a unicast or multidestination forwarding class.

On switches that use the same forwarding classes and output queues for unicast and multidestination traffic, the switch supports eight forwarding classes and eight output queues. You can map some or all of the eight of the forwarding classes to queues (0 through 7). You cannot map a forwarding class to more than one queue (each forwarding class maps to one and only one queue), but you can map multiple forwarding classes to one queue.

You cannot configure weighted random early detection (WRED) packet drop on forwarding classes configured with the no-loss packet drop attribute. Do not associate a drop profile with lossless forwarding classes. Instead, use priority-based flow control (PFC) to prevent frame drop on lossless forwarding classes.


If you map more than one forwarding class to a queue, all of the forwarding classes mapped to the same queue must have the same packet drop attribute (all of the forwarding classes must be lossy, or all of the forwarding classes mapped to a queue must be lossless).


On systems that do not use the ELS CLI, if you are using Junos OS Release 12.2, use the default forwarding-class-to-queue mapping for the lossless fcoe and no-loss forwarding classes. If you explicitly configure lossless forwarding classes, the traffic mapped to those forwarding classes is treated as lossy (best effort) traffic and does not receive lossless treatment.


On systems that do not use the ELS CLI, if you are using Junos OS Release 12.3 or later, the default configuration is the same as the default configuration for Junos OS Release 12.2, and the default behavior is the same (the fcoe and no-loss forwarding classes receive lossless treatment). However, if you explicitly configure lossless forwarding classes, you can configure up to six lossless forwarding classes by specifying the no-loss option. If you do not specify the no-loss option in an explicit forwarding class configuration, the forwarding class is lossy. For example, if you explicitly configure the fcoe forwarding class and you do not include the no-loss option, the fcoe forwarding class is lossy, not lossless.


queue-number—(Switches that use different output queues for unicast and multidestination traffic) Number of the CoS unicast queue (0 through 7) or the CoS multidestination queue (8 through 11).

queue-number—(Switches that use the same output queues for unicast and multidestination traffic) Number of the CoS queue (0 through 7).

no-loss—Optional packet drop attribute keyword to configure the forwarding class as lossless.

Required Privilege Level

interfaces—To view this statement in the configuration.

interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 11.1.

No-loss option introduced in Junos OS Release 12.3 for the QFX Series.
