ipv4 (Security IDP Signature Attack)
ipv4 { checksum-validate { match (equal | greater-than | less-than | not-equal | validate); value value; } destination (Security IP Headers Attack) { match (equal | greater-than | less-than | not-equal); value value; } identification (Security ICMP Headers) { match (equal | greater-than | less-than | not-equal); value value; } ihl { match (equal | greater-than | less-than | not-equal); value value; } ip-flags <(df | no-df)> <(mf | no-mf)> <(rb | no-rb)>; protocol { match (equal | greater-than | less-than | not-equal); value value; } source { match (equal | greater-than | less-than | not-equal); value value; } tos { match (equal | greater-than | less-than | not-equal); value value; } total-length { match (equal | greater-than | less-than | not-equal); value value; } ttl { match (equal | greater-than | less-than | not-equal); value value; } }
Hierarchy Level
[edit security idp custom-attack attack-name attack-type signature protocol]
An IP header is header information at the beginning of an IP packet which contains information about IP version, source IP address, destination IP address, time-to-live, etc. Allow IDP to match the IP header information for the signature attack.
The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.
identification | Specify a unique value used by the destination system to reassemble a fragmented packet.
ihl | Specify the IPv4 header length in words.
ip-flags | Specify that IDP looks for a pattern match whether or not the IP flag is set.
protocol | Specify the Transport Layer protocol number.
source | Specify the IP address or hostname of the attacking device.
tos | Specify the type of service.
total-length | Specify the number of bytes in the packet, including all header fields and the data payload.
ttl | Specify the time-to-live (TTL) value of the packet. This value represents the number of routers the packet can pass through. Each router that processes the packet decrements the TTL by 1; when the TTL reaches 0, the packet is discarded.
Required Privilege Level
security—To view this statement in the configuration.
security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.
Release Information
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.3.