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Junos CLI Reference
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date_range 19-Nov-23

QFX5100, EX4600, QFX3500, and QFX3600, Switches, QFabric Systems

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drop-probability 0 drop-probability high-value;

QFX10000 Switches

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drop-probability percentage1 percentage2 ... percentage32;

Hierarchy Level

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[edit class-of-service drop-profiles profile-name interpolate]


When configuring WRED, map the packet drop-probability to the fullness of a queue (fill-level). You configure the fill-level and drop-probability statements in related pairs. The pairs of fill level and drop probability values set a probability of dropping packets at a specified queue fullness value.

On switches that support only two fill level/drop probability pairs, the first drop probability is always zero. The first fill level/drop probability pair sets the drop start point, and the second fill level/drop probability pair sets the drop end point.

On switches that support 32 fill level/drop probability pairs, the first fill level/drop probability pair sets the drop start point, and the last fill level/drop probability pair sets the drop end point.

As the queue fills from the drop start point to the drop end point, the rate of packet drop increases in a curve pattern. The higher the queue fill level, the higher the probability of dropping packets.


0 (switches that support only two fill level/drop probability pairs)—Probability that packets will drop at the lowest fill-level value. This is always zero, because until the queue reaches the specified low fill-level value, no packets are scheduled to drop.

  • Range: 0

high-value (switches that support only two fill level/drop probability pairs)—The maximum probability that packets will drop before queue fullness exceeds the high value of the queue fill-level, expressed as a percentage. If the queue fills beyond the high fill-level value, all packets drop.

  • Range: 0 through 100 percent

percentage1 percentage2 ... percentage32 (switches that support 32 fill level/drop probability pairs)—The probability that packets will drop before the queue fullness exceeds the fill-level value, expressed as a percentage. Each drop probability pairs with a queue fill level to define the probability of a packet dropping at a specified queue fullness.

  • Range: 0 through 100 percent

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 11.1.
