remote-device-management { service-device device-name { access-domain { vlan-id-list [vlan-id-low-vlan-id-high vlan-id] } address ip-address; dictionary absolute file path; provisioning-method { netconf { bulk-interval milliseconds; bulk-limit number; connection-retry-interval seconds; password password; port port-number; reconfigure-bulk-limit number; response-timeout seconds; response-timeout-count number; user-name name; } } } }
Hierarchy Level
[edit routing-instances routing-instance-name system services], [edit system services]
The remaining statements are explained separately. Search for a statement in CLI Explorer or click a linked statement in the Syntax section for details.
Required Privilege Level
system—To view this statement in the configuration.
Release Information
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 18.3R1.