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show rsvp version

date_range 19-Nov-23


content_copy zoom_out_map
show rsvp version
<logical-system (all | logical-system-name)>

Syntax (EX Series Switches)

content_copy zoom_out_map
show rsvp version


Display information about the Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) protocol settings, such as the version of the RSVP software, the refresh timer and keep multiplier, and local RSVP graceful restart capabilities on a routing device.



Display RSVP protocol settings.

logical-system (all | logical-system-name)

(Optional) Perform this operation on all logical systems or on a particular logical system.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 describes the output fields for the show rsvp version command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show rsvp version Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Resource ReSerVation Protocol, version

RSVP software version.

RSVP protocol

Status of RSVP: Enabled or Disabled.

R(refresh timer)

Configured time interval used to generate periodic RSVP messages.

K(keep multiplier)

Number of RSVP messages that can be lost before an RSVP state is declared stale.


Currently configured preemption capability: Aggressive, Disabled, or Normal. The default is Normal.

Soft-preemption cleanup

Time, in seconds, that an LSP is kept after it has been soft preempted. This is a global property of the RSVP protocol.

Graceful deleting timeout

Currently configured value for the graceful-deletion-timeout statement. The router that initiates the graceful deletion procedure for an RSVP session waits for the graceful deletion timeout interval to ensure that all routers along the path (especially the ingress and egress routers) have prepared for the LSP to be taken down.

NSR Mode

Status of the nonstop active routing feature for RSVP on the restarting device: Disabled, Enabled/Master, or Enabled/Standby.

NSR State

State of the nonstop active routing feature for RSVP on the restarting device.

Possible values are:

  • Idle

  • TE-link sync complete

  • Neighbor sync complete

  • Path state sync complete

  • Resv state sync complete

  • Bypass sync complete

  • Init sync complete

Setup protection

Status of point-to-point and point-to-multipoint LSP setup protection configuration on the device: Enabled or Disabled.

Route Session-Id count

Total count of session IDs associated with the combination of all the RSVP ingress routes.


Starting in Junos OS Release 16.1, the show rsvp version command output displays the Route Session-Id count output field by default, irrespective of the presence of associated session IDs.

When there are no session IDs associated with any RSVP ingress route, the Route Session-Id count value is zero (0).

Graceful restart

Status of the graceful restart feature for RSVP on the restarting routing device: Enabled or Disabled.

Restart helper mode

Status of the helper mode feature: Enabled or Disabled. When this feature is enabled, the restarting routing device can help the neighbor with its RSVP restart procedures.

Maximum helper restart time

Number of milliseconds (ms) configured for the maximum helper restart time. The maximum helper restart time is the length of time the routing device waits before declaring that an RSVP neighbor attempting to restart gracefully is down.

Maximum helper recovery time

Number of milliseconds configured for the maximum helper recovery time. The maximum helper recovery time is the amount of time the routing device maintains the state of an RSVP neighbor attempting to restart gracefully.

Restart time

Number of milliseconds that a neighbor waits to receive a Hello message from the restarting node before declaring the node dead and deleting the states.

Recovery time

Number of milliseconds during which the restarting node attempts to recover its lost states with help from its neighbors. Recovery time is advertised by the restarting node to its neighbors, and applies to nodal faults. The restarting node considers its graceful restart complete after this time has elapsed.

P2p transit LSP nexthop mode

Point-to-point transit LSP next-hop mode on PTX Series devices. The possible values are Chained or Unchained.

P2mp transit LSP nexthop mode

Point-to-multipoint transit LSP next-hop mode on PTX Series devices. The possible values are Chained or Unchained.

Sample Output

show rsvp version

Starting with Junos OS Release 16.1, this command also shows whether enhanced FRR procurers are enabled on the router.

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show rsvp version
Resource ReSerVation Protocol, version 1. rfc2205 
   RSVP protocol:                Enabled
   R(refresh timer):             30 seconds
   K(keep multiplier):           3
   Preemption:                   Normal
   Soft-preemption cleanup:      30 seconds
   Graceful deletion timeout:    30 seconds
   NSR mode:                     Enabled/Master
   NSR state:                    Init sync complete
   Setup protection:             Disabled
   Route Session-Id count:       1
   Graceful restart:             Disabled
   Restart helper mode:          Enabled
   Maximum helper restart time:  20000 msec
   Maximum helper recovery time: 180000 msec
   Restart time:                 0 msec
   P2p transit LSP nexthop mode: Unchained
   P2mp transit LSP nexthop mode: Unchained
   Enhanced FRR local protection: Enabled

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.
