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Junos CLI Reference
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server (pcp)

date_range 20-Nov-23


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server server-name {
    ipv4-address ipv4-address;
    ipv6-address ipv6-address;
    long-lifetime-error long-lifetime-error;	
    mapping-lifetime-max   mapping-lifetime-max;
    mapping-lifetime-min   mapping-lifetime-min; 
    max-mappings-per-client max-mappings-per-client;
    nat-options {
        pool pool-name ;
    pcp-options {
    short-lifetime-error   short-lifetime-error;
    softwire-concentrator softwire-concentrator-name;

Hierarchy Level

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[edit services pcp]


Configure PCP server options. PCP enables hosts to operate servers for a long time (as in the case of a webcam) or a short time (for example, while playing a game or on a phone call) when behind a NAT device, including when behind a carrier-grade NAT operated by their ISP. PCP enables applications to create mappings from an external IP address and port to an internal IP address and port.

PCP is supported on the MS-DPC, MS-100, MS-400, and MS-500 MultiServices PICS. Starting in Junos OS Release 17.4R1, PCP is also supported on the MS-MPC and MS-MIC. Starting in Junos OS Release 20.1R1, PCP is also supported for Next Gen Services.



IPv4 address of the PCP server.


IPv6 address of the PCP server.


Time limit for generating long lifetime errors.

  • Default: 1800 seconds

  • Range: 900 through 18,000 seconds


Maximum lifetime, in seconds, for PCP mapping. If the PCP client requests a lifetime less than the maximum configured, the server will assign the maximum lifetime and respond accordingly.

  • Default: 86,400 seconds

  • Range: 3600 through 4294667 seconds


Minimum lifetime, in seconds, for PCP mapping. If a PCP client requests a lifetime less than the minimum configured, the server will assign a minimum lifetime and respond accordingly.

  • Default: 300 seconds

  • Range: 120 through 3600 seconds


Maximum number of PCP mappings that the PCP client can request.

  • Default: 32

  • Range: 1 through 32


Name of the NAT pool to use for PCP mapping. You can identify multiple pools. If you do not specify a NAT pool for mapping, the Junos OS performs a partial rule match based on the source IP, source port, and protocol, and the Junos OS uses the NAT pool configured for the first matching rule to allocate mappings for PCP.


Generate an error message when the PCP client requests a specific IP address or port that is not available, rather than assigning another available address from the NAT pool.


Time limit for generating short lifetime errors.

  • Default: 30 seconds

  • Range: 15 through 300 seconds


Softwire concentrator name whose softwire-address is used in creating PCP mappings. The PCP server address must be the same as the softwire-concentrator address.


Enable third-party requests by the PCP client.

The other statements are explained separately.

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 13.2R1.
