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Hierarchy Level


Configure a Lightweight DHCPv6 Relay Agent (LDRA) to insert relay agent information in messages sent from a DHCPv6 client to a server or other relay agent on the same IPv6 link. The LDRA acts as a relay agent, but without performing the routing function necessary to forward messages to a server or relay agent that resides on a different IPv6 link.

When the LDRA receives a DHCPv6 Solicit message from a client, it encapsulates that message within a DHCPv6 Relay-Forward message, which it then forwards to the server or to another relay agent. Before it forwards the Relay-Forward message, the LDRA can also insert DHCPv6 options in the message. These options contain information that the server uses to assign IP addresses, prefixes, and other configuration parameters for the client.

You must configure LDRA if you configure the following DHCPv6 options at the [edit vlan vlan-name forwarding-options dhcp-security dhcpv6-options] hierarchy level:

  • option-16 (Vendor ID)—Option 16 provides the server with information about the vendor that manufactured the hardware on which the DHCPv6 client is running. Option 16 is the DHCPv6 equivalent of the vendor-id suboption of DHCP option 82.

  • option-18 (Interface ID)—A unique identifier for the interface on which the client DHCPv6 packet is received. Suboptions can be configured to include a prefix with the interface ID or to change the type of information used to identify the interface. Option 18 is the DHCPv6 equivalent of the circuit-id suboption of DHCP option 82.

  • option-37 (Remote ID)—A unique identifier for the remote host. Suboptions can be configured to include a prefix with the remote ID or to change the interface portion of the ID. Option 37 is the DHCPv6 equivalent of the remote-id suboption of DHCP option 82.


Option 18 is mandatory in Relay-Forward messages and is included even if it is not explicitly configured. However, suboptions of option 18 are included in Relay-Foward messages only if they are configured using the option-18 CLI statement at the [edit vlan vlan-name forwarding-options dhcp-security dhcpv6-options] hierarchy level.

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 16.1R3.