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request services user-identification active-directory-access active-directory-authentication-table delete



Delete entries from the active directory authentication table by domain, address, group, or user. This command provides the network administrator with flexibility and control over the table entries beyond what is automatically added to or deleted from the table. For example, if a person leaves the company, the corresponding username can be deleted; after a department reorganization, a group can be deleted.


  • domain name—Delete the entries from the authentication table for the specified domain.

  • ip-address ip-address—Delete the entry from the authentication table for the specified IP address.

  • group group-name—Delete the entries from the authentication table for the specified group.

    • domain name—Delete the group only from the specified domain.

  • user name—Delete the entries from the authentication table for the specified username.

    • domain name—Delete the user only from the specified domain.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

This command produces no output.

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1X47-D10.