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file list



Display a list of files on the local router or switch.



Display a list of files in the default directory. The default directory is the home directory of the user logged in to the router or switch.


(Optional) Display detailed information about the files. The output is similar to what is displayed by the Linux ls -l command.


(Optional) Display detailed information about the files in the directory and all subdirectories below it.


(Optional) List the files in a specified directory path. The path name cannot contain any special characters (![ =;|(){}]).

Additional Information

To view available directories, enter a space and then a slash (/) after the file list command. To view files within a specific directory, include a slash followed by the directory and, optionally, subdirectory name after the file list command.

Required Privilege Level


Sample Output

file list

The following command lists the contents of the /var/tmp directory.

file list (detailed)

The following command lists detailed information about the contents of the /var/tmp directory.

file list (recursive)

The following command lists detailed information about the contents of the /var/tmp directory and all subdirectories below it.

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.