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request vmhost software rollback

date_range 19-Nov-23


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request vmhost  software rollback 
<re0 | re1>


Roll back the Junos OS and the host OS software packages to the previous versions. You can revert to the previous versions of software packages that were loaded at the last successful request vmhost software add command.


none—Roll back the software packages of the Routing Engine on the local Virtual Chassis member.

re0 | re1

(Optional) On devices that support dual or redundant Routing Engines, roll back the software packages in Routing Engine in slot 0 (re0) or software packages in the Routing Engine in slot 1 (re1).


The QFX10002-60C and PTX10002-60C devices do not have primary and backup routing engines.


(Optional) Specify the Routing Engine on which the software packages needs to be rolled back to the previous set of software packages. The following options are available:

  • backup—Backup Routing Engine.

  • both—Both Routing Engines.

  • local—Routing Engine on the local Virtual Chassis member.

  • master—Primary Routing Engine.

  • other—Other Routing Engine.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Sample Output

request vmhost software rollback

content_copy zoom_out_map
request vmhost  software rollback 


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user@host> request vmhost software rollback
Current root details, 		Device sda, Label: jrootp_P, Partition: sda3
Finding alternate root for rollback
Rollback to software on jrootb_P ...
sh /etc/install/ jrootb_P b
Mounting device in preparation for rollback...
Updating boot partition for rollback...
Rollback complete, please reboot the node for it to take effect.
Cmos Write successfull
Cmos Write successfull for Boot_retry
Cmos Write successfull for Boot_retry


content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show vmhost version 
Current root details, 		Device sda, Label: jrootp_P, Partition: sda3
Current boot disk: Primary
Current root set: p
UEFI 	Version: NGRE_v00.53.00.01

Primary Disk, Upgrade Time: Wed Feb 24 17:51:53 UTC 2016
	Pending reboot.

Version: set p
VMHost Version: 2.951
VMHost Root: vmhost-x86_64-15.1I20160210_2212_builder
VMHost Core: vmhost-core-x86_64-15.1I20160210_2212_builder
kernel: 3.10.79-ovp-rt74-WR6.0.0.20_preempt-rt
Junos Disk: junos-install-x86-64-15.1F5.5

Version: set b
VMHost Version: 2.953
VMHost Root: vmhost-x86_64-15.1F520160222_1052_builder
VMHost Core: vmhost-core-x86_64-15.1F520160222_1052_builder
kernel: 3.10.79-ovp-rt74-WR6.0.0.20_preempt-rt
Junos Disk: junos-install-x86-64-15.1F5.6


content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> request vmhost reboot 
Reboot the vmhost ? [yes,no] (no) yes 

warning: Rebooting re1
Initiating vmhost reboot...  ok
Initiating Junos shutdown...  shutdown: [pid 9733]
Shutdown NOW!
Junos shutdown is in progress...
*** FINAL System shutdown message from root@nikon1 ***                       

System going down IMMEDIATELY                                                  

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 15.1F3.


PTX3000 router supports the Routing and Control Board, RCBPTX.
