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show mac-vrf forwarding interface

date_range 19-Nov-23


content_copy zoom_out_map
show mac-vrf forwarding interface
<brief | detail | extensive>


Show Ethernet switching information about all the interfaces within all active MAC-VRF routing instances.



Show brief Ethernet switching information about all the interfaces within all MAC-VRF routing instances.

brief | detail | extensive (Optional) Show the specified level of output.
interface-name (Optional) Show the Ethernet switching information for the specified interface only.

We've implemented the show mac-vrf commands on all supported platforms. If a particular platform doesn't support a specific sub-command or option, when you run the command, the output is empty. For example, show mac-vrf forwarding age is available only on MX Series platforms. If you run that command on any other supported platform, the output is empty.

Additional Information

On MX Series routers and the EX9200 line of switches, this command hierarchy is an alias for the show l2-learning instance command hierarchy.

On QFX Series switches, this command hierarchy is an alias for the show ethernet-switching interface command hierarchy.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1: show mac-vrf forwarding interface Output Fields
Field Name Field Description
Routing instance name Name of the mac-vrf routing instance.
Logical interface Logical interface name associated with the mac-vrf routing instance
VLAN members For aggregated Ethernet (ae) interfaces, this lists the member VLANs for the displayed interface.
TAG VLAN tag associated with VLAN member interfaces.
MAC limit Maximum number of MAC address entries allowed for each interface. The MAC limit for each member interface must add up to less than the total MAC limit for the aggregated Ethernet interface.
MAC+IP limit Maximum number of MAC+IP address entries allowed for each interface. The MAC+IP limit for each member interface must add up to less than the total MAC+IP limit for the aggregated Ethernet interface.
STP state The spanning tree protocol state for the displayed VLAN member interfaces.
Logical interface flags
DL disable learning
AD packet action drop
LH MAC limit hit
DN interface down
MMAS MAC move action shutdown
AS Autostate-exclude enabled
SCTL shutdown by storm control
MI MAC+IP limit hit
Tagging Display shows tagged, or blank depending on whether the interface is tagged or not.

Sample Output

show mac-vrf forwarding interface

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show mac-vrf forwarding interface
content_copy zoom_out_map
Routing Instance Name : macvrf_v150
Logical Interface flags (DL - disable learning, AD - packet action drop,
                         LH - MAC limit hit, DN - interface down,
                         MMAS - Mac-move action shutdown,  AS - Autostate-exclude enabled,
                         SCTL - shutdown by Storm-control, MI - MAC+IP limit hit)

Logical         Vlan                   TAG   MAC    MAC+IP STP         Logical          Tagging
interface       members                      limit  limit  state       interface flags
vtep.32770                                   0      0                                   tagged
Routing Instance Name : macvrf_v150
Logical Interface flags (DL - disable learning, AD - packet action drop,
                         LH - MAC limit hit, DN - interface down,
                         MMAS - Mac-move action shutdown,  AS - Autostate-exclude enabled,
                         SCTL - shutdown by Storm-control, MI - MAC+IP limit hit)

Logical         Vlan                   TAG   MAC    MAC+IP STP         Logical          Tagging
interface       members                      limit  limit  state       interface flags
vtep.32769                                   0      0                                   tagged
Routing Instance Name : macvrf_v150
Logical Interface flags (DL - disable learning, AD - packet action drop,
                         LH - MAC limit hit, DN - interface down,
                         MMAS - Mac-move action shutdown,  AS - Autostate-exclude enabled,
                         SCTL - shutdown by Storm-control, MI - MAC+IP limit hit)

Logical         Vlan                   TAG   MAC    MAC+IP STP         Logical          Tagging
interface       members                      limit  limit  state       interface flags
ae0.0                                        8192   8192                                tagged
                v150                   150   1024   1024   Forwarding                   tagged
                v250                   250   1024   1024   Forwarding                   tagged
Routing Instance Name : macvrf_v150
Logical Interface flags (DL - disable learning, AD - packet action drop,
                         LH - MAC limit hit, DN - interface down,
                         MMAS - Mac-move action shutdown,  AS - Autostate-exclude enabled,
                         SCTL - shutdown by Storm-control, MI - MAC+IP limit hit)

Logical         Vlan                   TAG   MAC    MAC+IP STP         Logical          Tagging
interface       members                      limit  limit  state       interface flags
vtep.32771                                   0      0                                   tagged
                v250                   250   0      0      Forwarding                   tagged
                v150                   150   0      0      Forwarding                   tagged
Routing Instance Name : macvrf_v150
Logical Interface flags (DL - disable learning, AD - packet action drop,
                         LH - MAC limit hit, DN - interface down,
                         MMAS - Mac-move action shutdown,  AS - Autostate-exclude enabled,
                         SCTL - shutdown by Storm-control, MI - MAC+IP limit hit)

Logical         Vlan                   TAG   MAC    MAC+IP STP         Logical          Tagging
interface       members                      limit  limit  state       interface flags
esi.1786                                     0      0                                   tagged
                v150                   150   0      0      Forwarding                   tagged
Routing Instance Name : macvrf_v150
Logical Interface flags (DL - disable learning, AD - packet action drop,
                         LH - MAC limit hit, DN - interface down,
                         MMAS - Mac-move action shutdown,  AS - Autostate-exclude enabled,
                         SCTL - shutdown by Storm-control, MI - MAC+IP limit hit)

Logical         Vlan                   TAG   MAC    MAC+IP STP         Logical          Tagging
interface       members                      limit  limit  state       interface flags
esi.1794                                     0      0                                   tagged
                v250                   250   0      0      Forwarding                   tagged
Routing Instance Name : macvrf_v150
Logical Interface flags (DL - disable learning, AD - packet action drop,
                         LH - MAC limit hit, DN - interface down,
                         MMAS - Mac-move action shutdown,  AS - Autostate-exclude enabled,
                         SCTL - shutdown by Storm-control, MI - MAC+IP limit hit)

Logical         Vlan                   TAG   MAC    MAC+IP STP         Logical          Tagging
interface       members                      limit  limit  state       interface flags
esi.1804                                     0      0                                   tagged
Routing Instance Name : macvrf_v150
Logical Interface flags (DL - disable learning, AD - packet action drop,
                         LH - MAC limit hit, DN - interface down,
                         MMAS - Mac-move action shutdown,  AS - Autostate-exclude enabled,
                         SCTL - shutdown by Storm-control, MI - MAC+IP limit hit)

Logical         Vlan                   TAG   MAC    MAC+IP STP         Logical          Tagging
interface       members                      limit  limit  state       interface flags
esi.1805                                     0      0                                   tagged
Paste device command output here

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 20.4R1.
