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show services l2tp session

date_range 19-Nov-23


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show services l2tp session 
<brief | detail | extensive>
<interface interface-name>
<local-gateway gateway-address>
<local-gateway-name gateway-name>
<local-session-id session-id>
<local-tunnel-id tunnel-id>
<peer-gateway gateway-address>
<peer-gateway-name gateway-name>
<tunnel-group group-name>
<user username>


(M10i and M7i routers only) Display information about active L2TP sessions for LNS.

(MX Series routers only) Display information about active L2TP sessions for LAC and LNS.



Display standard information about all active L2TP sessions.

brief | detail | extensive

(Optional) Display the specified level of output.

interface interface-name

(Optional) Display L2TP session information for only the specified adaptive services or inline services interface. The interface type depends on the line card as follows:

  • si-fpc/pic/port— MPCs on MX Series routers only. This option is not available for L2TP on M Series routers.

  • sp-fpc/pic/port—AS or Multiservices PICs on M7i, M10i, and M120 routers only. This option is not available for L2TP on MX Series routers.

local-gateway gateway-address

(Optional) Display L2TP session information for only the specified local gateway address.

local-gateway-name gateway-name

(Optional) Display L2TP session information for only the specified local gateway name.

local-session-id session-id

(Optional) Display L2TP session information for only the specified local session identifier.

local-tunnel-id tunnel-id

(Optional) Display L2TP session information for only the specified local tunnel identifier.

peer-gateway gateway-address

(Optional) Display L2TP session information for only the specified peer gateway address.

peer-gateway-name gateway-name

(Optional) Display L2TP session information for only the specified peer gateway name.


(Optional) Display the number of control packets and bytes transmitted and received for the session. You cannot include this option with any of the level options, brief, detail, or extensive.

tunnel-group group-name

(Optional) Display L2TP session information for only the specified tunnel group. To display information about L2TP CPU and memory usage, you can include the tunnel group name in the show services service-sets memory-usage group-name and show services service-sets cpu-usage group-name commands. This option is not available for L2TP LAC on MX Series routers.

user username

(M Series routers only) (Optional) Display L2TP session information for only the specified username.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show services l2tp session command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show services l2tp session Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output


(LNS only) Name of an adaptive services interface.

All levels

Tunnel group

(LNS only) Name of a tunnel group.

All levels

Tunnel local ID

Identifier of the local endpoint of the tunnel, as assigned by the L2TP network server (LNS).

All levels

Session local ID

Identifier of the local endpoint of the L2TP session, as assigned by the LNS.

All levels

Session remote ID

Identifier of the remote endpoint of the L2TP session, as assigned by the L2TP access concentrator (LAC).

All levels


State of the L2TP session:

  • Established—Session is operating. This is the only state supported for the LAC.

  • closed—Session is being closed.

  • destroyed—Session is being destroyed.

  • clean-up—Session is being cleaned up.

  • lns-ic-accept-new—New session is being accepted.

  • lns-ic-idle—Session has been created and is idle.

  • lns-ic-reject-new—New session is being rejected.

  • lns-ic-wait-connect—Session is waiting for the peer's incoming call connected (ICCN) message.

All levels

Bundle ID

(LNS only) Bundle identifier. Indicates the session is part of a multilink bundle. Sessions that have a blank Bundle field are not participating in the Multilink Protocol. Sessions in a multilink bundle might belong to different L2TP tunnels. For L2TP output organized by bundle ID, issue the show services l2tp multilink extensive command.

All levels


(LNS) Mode of the interface representing the session: shared or exclusive.

(LAC) Mode of the interface representing the session: shared or dedicated. Only dedicated is currently supported for the LAC.


Local IP

IP address of local endpoint of the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) session.


Remote IP

IP address of remote endpoint of the PPP session.



(LNS only) Name of the user logged in to the session.

All levels

Assigned IP address

(LNS only) IP address assigned to remote client.


Local name

For LNS, name of the LNS instance in which the session was created. For LAC, name of the LAC.


Remote name

For LNS, name of the LAC from which the session was created. For LAC, name of the LAC instance.


Local MRU

(LNS only) Maximum receive unit (MRU) setting of the local device, in bytes.


Remote MRU

(LNS only) MRU setting of the remote device, in bytes.


Tx speed

Transmit speed of the session conveyed from the LAC to the LNS, in bits per second (bps) and the source method from which the speed is derived.

Starting in Junos OS Release 14.1, either the initial (initial) line speed or both the initial and current (update) line speeds can be displayed on MX Series routers:

  • When connection speed updates are not enabled, then only the initial line speed is displayed.

  • When connection speed updates are enabled, then both the initial and the current speeds are displayed.

For Junos OS Release 17.2 and Release 17.3, only the current (update) line speed can be displayed on MX Series routers.

Starting in Junos OS Release 17.4R1, once again either the initial (initial) line speed or both the initial and current (update) line speeds can be displayed on MX Series routers.

Starting in Junos OS Release 15.1, when the Tx connect speed method is set to none, the value of zero (0) is displayed.


Rx speed

Receive speed of the session conveyed from the LAC to the LNS, in bits per second (bps) and the source method from which the speed is derived.

Starting in Junos OS Release 14.1, either the initial (initial) line speed or both the initial and current (update) line speeds can be displayed on MX Series routers:

  • When connection speed updates are not enabled, then only the initial line speed is displayed.

  • When connection speed updates are enabled, then both the initial and the current speeds are displayed.

For Junos OS Release 17.2 and Release 17.3, only the current (update) line speed can be displayed on MX Series routers.

Starting in Junos OS Release 17.4R1, once again either the initial (initial) line speed or both the initial and current (update) line speeds can be displayed on MX Series routers.

Starting in Junos OS Release 15.1, when the Tx connect speed method is set to none, the value of zero (0) is displayed.


Bearer type

Type of bearer enabled:

  • 0—Might indicate that the call was not received over a physical link (for example, when the LAC and PPP are located in the same subsystem).

  • 1—Digital access requested.

  • 2—Analog access requested.

  • 4—Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) bearer support.


Framing type

Type of framing enabled:

  • 1—Synchronous framing

  • 2—Asynchronous framing


LCP renegotiation

(LNS only) Whether Link Control Protocol (LCP) renegotiation is configured: On or Off.



Type of authentication algorithm used: Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) or Password Authentication Protocol (PAP).


Interface ID

(LNS only) Identifier used to look up the logical interface for this session.


Interface unit

Logical interface for this session.

All levels

Call serial number

Unique serial number assigned to the call.


Policer bandwidth

Maximum policer bandwidth configured for this session.


Policer burst size

Maximum policer burst size configured for this session.


Firewall filter

Configured firewall filter name.


Session encapsulation overhead

Overhead allowance configured for this session, in bytes.


Session cell overhead

Cell overhead activation (On or Off).


Create time

Date and time when the call was created.


Up time

Length of time elapsed since the call became active, in hours, minutes, and seconds.


Idle time

Length of time elapsed since the call became idle, in hours, minutes, and seconds.


Statistics since

Date and time when collection of the following statistics began:

  • Control Tx—Amount of control information transmitted, in packets and bytes.

  • Control Rx—Amount of control information received, in packets and bytes.

  • Data Tx—Amount of data transmitted, in packets and bytes.

  • Data Rx—Amount of data received, in packets and bytes.

  • Errors Tx—Number of errors transmitted, in packets.

  • Errors Rx—Number of errors received, in packets.

  • LCP echo req Tx—Number of LCP echo requests transmitted, in packets.

  • LCP echo req Rx—Number of LCP echo requests received, in packets.

  • LCP echo rep Tx—Number of LCP echo responses transmitted, in packets.

  • LCP echo rep Rx—Number of LCP echo responses received, in packets.

  • LCP echo Req timout—Number of LCP echo requests that timed out.

  • LCP echo Req error—Number of errors received for LCP echo packets.

  • LCP echo Rep error —Number of errors transmitted for LCP echo packets.


Sample Output

show services l2tp session (LNS on M Series Routers)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show services l2tp session 
Interface: sp-1/2/0, Tunnel group: group1, Tunnel local ID:  8802
  Local Remote Interface State               Bundle Username
  ID    ID     unit
  37966      5         2 Established

show services l2tp session (LNS on MX Series Routers)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show services l2tp session 
Tunnel local ID: 40553
  Local  Remote   State                Interface         Interface
  ID     ID                            unit              Name
  17967  1        Established          1073749824        si-5/2/0

show services l2tp session (LAC)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show services l2tp session
Tunnel local ID: 31889
  Local  Remote   State                Interface         Interface
  ID     ID                            unit              Name
   31694      1   Established                311         pp0                 

show services l2tp session detail (LAC)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show services l2tp session detail
Tunnel local ID: 31889
  Session local ID: 31694, Session remote ID:     1, Interface unit: 311
    State: Established, Interface: pp0, Mode: Dedicated
    Local IP:, Remote IP:
    Local name: ce-lac, Remote name: ce-lns

show services l2tp session extensive (LAC)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show services l2tp session extensive
Tunnel local ID: 31889
  Session local ID: 31694, Session remote ID:     1
    Interface unit: 311
    State: Established, Mode: Dedicated
    Local IP:, Remote IP:
    Local name: ce-lac, Remote name: ce-lns
    Tx speed: 0, Rx speed: 0
    Bearer type: 1, Framing type: 1
    LCP renegotiation: N/A, Authentication: None, Interface ID: N/A
    Interface unit: 311, Call serial number: 0
    Policer bandwidth: 0, Policer burst size: 0
    Policer exclude bandwidth: 0, Firewall filter: 0
    Session encapsulation overhead: 0, Session cell overhead: 0
    Create time: Tue Aug 24 14:38:23 2010, Up time: 01:06:25
    Idle time: N/A

show services l2tp session extensive (LAC on MX Series Routers)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show services l2tp session extensive
Tunnel local ID: 31889
  Session local ID: 31694, Session remote ID:     1
    Interface unit: 311
    State: Established, Mode: Dedicated
    Local IP:, Remote IP:
    Local name: ce-lac, Remote name: ce-lns
    Tx speed: 256000, source service-profile
    Rx speed: 128000, source ancp
    Bearer type: 1, Framing type: 1
    LCP renegotiation: N/A, Authentication: None, Interface ID: N/A
    Interface unit: 311, Call serial number: 0
    Policer bandwidth: 0, Policer burst size: 0
    Policer exclude bandwidth: 0, Firewall filter: 0
    Session encapsulation overhead: 0, Session cell overhead: 0
    Create time: Tue Aug 24 14:38:23 2010, Up time: 01:06:25
    Idle time: N/A

show services l2tp session extensive (LNS on M Series Routers)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show services l2tp session extensive  
Interface: sp-1/2/0, Tunnel group: group1, Tunnel local ID: 62746
  Session local ID: 56793, Session remote ID: 53304
    State: Established, Bundle ID: 5, Mode: shared
    Local IP:, Remote IP:
    Username:, Assigned IP address:
    Local MRU: 4000, Remote MRU: 1500, Tx speed: 64000, Rx speed: 64000
    Bearer type: 2, Framing type: 1
    LCP renegotiation: Off, Authentication: CHAP, Interface ID: unit_20
    Interface unit: 20, Call serial number: 4137941434
    Policer bandwidth: 64000, Policer burst size: 51200
    Firewall filter: f1
    Session encapsulation overhead: 16, Session cell overhead: On
    Create time: Tue Mar 23 14:13:15 2004, Up time: 01:16:41
    Idle time: 00:00:00
    Statistics since: Tue Mar 23 14:13:13 2004
                        Packets        Bytes
      Control Tx              4           88
      Control Rx              2           28
      Data Tx                 0            0
      Data Rx               461        29.0k
      Errors Tx               0
      Errors Rx               0

Interface: sp-1/2/0, Tunnel group: group_company_dns, Tunnel local ID: 37266
  Session local ID: 39962, Session remote ID: 53303
    State: Established, Bundle ID: 5, Mode: shared
    Local IP:, Remote IP:
    Username:, Assigned IP address:
    Local name: router-1, Remote name: router-2
    Local MRU: 4470, Remote MRU: 4470, Tx speed: 155000000, Rx speed: 155000000
    Bearer type: 2, Framing type: 1
    LCP renegotiation: Off, Authentication: CHAP, Interface ID: unit_31
    Interface unit: 31, Call serial number: 4137941433
    Policer bandwidth: 64000, Policer burst size: 51200
    Firewall filter: f1
    Create time: Tue Mar 23 14:13:17 2004, Up time: 01:16:39
    Idle time: 01:16:36
    Statistics since: Tue Mar 23 14:13:15 2004
                        Packets        Bytes
      Control Tx              6          196
      Control Rx              4          150
      Data Tx                 0            0
      Data Rx                 1           80
      Errors Tx               0
      Errors Rx               0

show services l2tp session extensive (LNS on MX Series Routers)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show services l2tp session extensive  
Tunnel local ID: 40553
  Session local ID: 17967, Session remote ID: 1
    Interface unit: 1073749824
    State: Established
    Interface: si-5/2/0
    Mode: Dedicated
    Local IP:, Remote IP:
    Local name: lns-mx960, Remote name: testlac
    Tx speed: initial 64000, Update 256000
    Rx speed: initial 64000, Update 256000
    Bearer type: 2, Framing type: 1
    LCP renegotiation: Off, Authentication: None
    Call serial number: 1
    Create time: Mon Apr 25 20:27:50 2011, Up time: 00:01:48
    Idle time: N/A
    Statistics since: Mon Apr 25 20:27:50 2011
                        Packets        Bytes
      Control Tx              4          219
      Control Rx              4          221
      Data Tx                 0            0
      Data Rx                10          228
      Errors Tx               0
      Errors Rx               0

show services l2tp session statistics (MX Series Routers)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host>show services l2tp session statistics local session-id 1
Tunnel local ID: 17185
Session local ID: 1, Session remote ID: 14444, Interface unit: 1073788352
State: Established
Statistics since: Mon Aug 1 13:27:47 2011
				Packets 		Bytes 
Data Tx 		4 			51
Data Rx 		3 			36

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

Support for LAC on MX Series routers introduced in Junos OS Release 10.4.

Support for LNS on MX Series routers introduced in Junos OS Release 11.4.
