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For the PTX10001-36MR router— Override the maximum power value of a power supply module (PSM) by specifying a lesser power value (in watts). You can use this configuration to monitor the power consumed in real time against the configured value. The system raises a chassis alarm when the consumption exceeds the configured power.

For the PTX10008 router—Override the default power budget allocated to the line card by specifying a power value (in watts). You can use the command show chassis fpc detail to view the maximum power consumption by a line card.


watts—Specify power value (in watts) with which you want to override the default/maximum power.


On the PTX10008 router, if you configure a power value (in watts) that is greater than the maximum value supported by the line card, the power budget for the line card is set to its supported maximum. On the PTX10001-36MR router, if you configure a power value (in watts) that is greater than the maximum value supported by the PSM, the configuration does not work.

Required Privilege Level

system—To view this statement in the configuration.system-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

The max-power watts statement introduced in Junos OS Evolved Release 20.1R2 for PTX10008 routers.

The max-power watts statement introduced in Junos OS Evolved Release 20.2R1 for PTX10001-36MR routers.