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show interfaces ps0 (Pseudowire Subscriber Interfaces)



Display status information about the pseudowire subscriber interface.


brief | detail | extensive | terse

(Optional) Display the specified level of output.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show interfaces ps0 command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show interfaces ps0 Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output

Physical Interface  

Physical interface

Name of the physical interface.

brief detail extensive none


State of the interface. Possible values are described in the “Enabled Field” section under Common Output Fields Description.

brief detail extensive none

Interface index

Physical interface index number, which reflects its initialization sequence.

detail extensive none

SNMP ifIndex

SNMP index number for the physical interface.

detail extensive none


Physical interface type (Software-Pseudo).

brief detail extensive none

Link-level type

Encapsulation being used on the physical interface.

brief detail extensive


MTU size on the physical interface.

brief detail extensive


Reference clock source. It can be Internal or External.

brief detail extensive


Speed at which the interface is running.

brief detail extensive

Device flags

Information about the physical device. Possible values are described in the “Device Flags” section under Common Output Fields Description.

brief detail extensive none

Interface flags

Information about the interface. Possible values are described in the “Interface Flags” section under Common Output Fields Description.

brief detail extensive none

Current address

Configured MAC address.

detail extensive none

Hardware address

MAC address of the hardware.

detail extensive none

Last flapped

Date, time, and how long ago the interface went from down to up or up to down. The format is Last flapped: year-month-day hours:minutes:seconds: timezone (hours:minutes:seconds ago). or Never. For example, Last flapped: 2002-04-26 10:52:40 PDT (04:33:20 ago).

detail extensive none

input packets

Number of packets received on the logical interface.

detail extensive none

output packets

Number of packets transmitted on the logical interface.

detail extensive none

Logical Interface  

Logical interface

Name of the logical interface.

brief detail extensive none


Logical interface index number (which reflects its initialization sequence).

detail extensive none

SNMP ifIndex

Logical interface SNMP interface index number.

detail extensive none


Unique number for use by Juniper Networks technical support only.

detail extensive


Information about the logical interface. Possible values are described in the “Logical Interface Flags” section under Common Output Fields Description.

brief detail extensive none


Type of encapsulation configured on the logical interface.

brief extensive none

Traffic statistics

Total number of bytes and packets received and transmitted on the logical interface. These statistics are the sum of the local and transit statistics. When a burst of traffic is received, the value in the output packet rate field might briefly exceed the peak cell rate. This counter usually takes less than 1 second to stabilize.

detail extensive

IPv6 transit statistics

Number of IPv6 transit bytes and packets received and transmitted on the logical interface if IPv6 statistics tracking is enabled.


The packet and byte counts in these fields include traffic that is dropped and does not leave the router.

  • Input bytes——Number of bytes received on the interface.

  • Output bytes——Number of bytes transmitted on the interface.

  • Input packets—Number of packets received on the interface.

  • Output packets—Number of packets transmitted on the interface.

detail extensive

Local statistics

Statistics for traffic received from and transmitted to the Routing Engine. When a burst of traffic is received, the value in the output packet rate field might briefly exceed the peak cell rate. This counter usually takes less than 1 second to stabilize.

detail extensive

Transit statistics

Statistics for traffic transiting the router. When a burst of traffic is received, the value in the output packet rate field might briefly exceed the peak cell rate. This counter usually takes less than 1 second to stabilize.


The packet and byte counts in these fields include traffic that is dropped and does not leave the router.

detail extensive


Protocol family configured on the logical interface.

detail extensive none


MTU size on the logical interface.

detail extensive none


Information about the protocol family flags. Possible values are described in the “Family Flags” section under Common Output Fields Description.

detail extensive none

Donor interface

(Unnumbered Ethernet) Interface from which an unnumbered Ethernet interface borrows an IPv4 address.

detail extensive none

Addresses, Flags

Information about the addresses configured for the protocol family. Possible values are described in the “Addresses Flags” section under Common Output Fields Description.

detail extensive none


IP address of the remote side of the connection.

detail extensive none


IP address of the logical interface.

detail extensive terse none


Broadcast address.

detail extensive none

Sample Output

show interfaces ps0

show interfaces ps0 extensive

Release Information

Command introduced at Junos OS Release 13.1.