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auto-configure (IPv6)


Hierarchy Level


Defines the parameters for creating dynamic VLAN (DVLAN) interface on receiving the first VLAN packet from the client.


dynamic-profile dynamic-profile

Name of the dynamic profile.

session-timeout seconds

Duration of the active dynamic IP subscriber in seconds. If you do not configure the session-timeout value, the system does not delete the dynamic IP subscriber unless an active DHCP subscriber is available.

  • Range: 600 thru 6000

prefix prefix IPv6 address prefix.
username-include As a part of subscriber authentication, you can define the username with the following strings:
  • delimiter-Delimiter or separator character
  • domain-name-Domain name
  • user-prefix-User defined prefix
  • auth-server-realm-Authentication server realm name
  • interface-name-Interface name
  • source-address-Source address

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 22.2R1.