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show isis database

date_range 19-Nov-23


content_copy zoom_out_map
show isis database 
<brief | detail | extensive>
<instance instance-name>
<level (1 | 2)>
<logical-system (all | logical-system-name)>

Syntax (EX Series Switches and QFX Series)

content_copy zoom_out_map
show isis database 
<brief | detail | extensive>
<level (1 | 2)>
<instance instance-name>


Display the entries in the Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System (IS-IS) link-state database, which contains data about PDU packets.



Display standard information about IS-IS link-state database entries for all routing instances.

system id

(Optional) Display IS-IS link-state database entries for the specified intermediate system.

brief | detail | extensive

(Optional) Display the specified level of output.

instance instance-name

(Optional) Display IS-IS link-state database entries for the specified routing instance.

level (1 | 2)

(Optional) Display IS-IS link-state database entries for the specified IS-IS level.

logical-system (all | logical-system-name)

(Optional) Perform this operation on all logical systems or on a particular logical system.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 describes the output fields for the show isis database command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear. Fields that contain internal IS-IS information useful only in troubleshooting obscure problems are not described in the table. For more details about these fields, contact your customer support representative.

Table 1: show isis database Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output

Interface name

Name of the interface on which the link-state PDU has been received; always IS-IS for this command.

All levels


Level of intermediate system:

  • 1—Intermediate system routes within an area; when the destination is outside an area, it routes toward a Level 2 system.

  • 2—Intermediate system routes between areas and toward other ASs.

All levels


Link-state PDU identifier.

All levels


Sequence number of the link-state PDU.

All levels


Checksum value of the link-state PDU.

All levels

Lifetime (secs)

Remaining lifetime of the link-state PDU, in seconds.

All levels


Attributes of the specified database: L1, L2, Overload, or Attached (L1 only).

none brief

# LSPs

Total number of link-state PDUs in the specified link-state database.

none brief

IP prefix

Prefix advertised by this link-state PDU.

detail extensive

IS neighbor

IS-IS neighbor of the advertising system.

detail extensive

IP prefix

IPv4 prefix advertised by this link-state PDU.

detail extensive

V6 prefix

IPv6 prefix advertised by this link-state PDU.

detail extensive


Metric of the prefix or neighbor.

detail extensive


  • LSP ID—Link state PDU identifier of the header.

  • Length—Header length.

  • Allocated Length—Amount of length available for the header.

  • Router ID—Address of the local routing device.

  • Remaining Lifetime—Remaining lifetime of the link-state PDU, in seconds.



  • LSP ID—The identifier for the link-state PDU.

  • Length—Packet length.

  • Lifetime—Remaining lifetime, in seconds.

  • Checksum—The checksum of the link-state PDU.

  • Sequence—The sequence number of the link-state PDU. Every time the link-state PDU is updated, this number increments.

  • Attributes—Packet attributes.

  • NLPID—Network layer protocol identifier.

  • Fixed length—Specifies the set length for the packet.



  • Area Address—Area addresses that the routing device can reach.

  • Speaks—Supported routing protocols.

  • IP router id—ID of the routing device (usually the IP address).

  • IP address—IPv4 address.

  • Hostname—Assigned name of the routing device.

  • IP prefix—IP prefix of the routing device.

  • Metric—IS-IS metric that measures the cost of the adjacency between the originating routing device and the advertised routing device.

  • IP extended prefix—Extended IP prefix of the routing device.

  • IS neighbor—Directly attached neighbor’s name and metric.

  • IS extended neighbor—Directly attached neighbor’s name, metric, IP address, local interface index, and remote interface index.

    The interface indexes enable Junos OS to support unnumbered extensions for IS-IS, as described in RFC 4205.

  • Router Capability—ID of the routing device and flag.


    Router capability also specifies SPRING capability and SPRING algorithm when segment routing is enabled on the routing device.



Point-to-Point function END-X-SID for SRv6 adjacency


SRv6 Locator

Locator address to which the END-X-SID is attached.


SRv6 Capability

ID and flag indicating the segment routing capability of the device.



Behavior of the END-X-SID function. This field can have the following values:

  • PSP—Penultimate segment pop of the segment routing header (SRH).

  • USP—Ultimate segment pop of the SRH.

  • USD—Ultimate segment decapsulation of the SRH.


SRv6 Maximum Segments Left

Maximum number of segments left for processing. If no value is advertised, then it is set to 0.


Sample Output

show isis database

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show isis database   
IS-IS level 1 link-state database:
LSP ID                      Sequence Checksum Lifetime Attributes
kobuk.00-00                      0x3   0x3167     1057 L1 L2
camaro.00-00                     0x5   0x770e     1091 L1 L2
ranier.00-00                     0x4   0xaa95     1091 L1 L2
glacier.00-00                    0x4   0x206f     1089 L1 L2
glacier.02-00                    0x1   0xd141     1089 L1 L2
badlands.00-00                   0x3   0x87a2     1093 L1 L2
  6 LSPs

IS-IS level 2 link-state database:
LSP ID                      Sequence Checksum Lifetime Attributes
kobuk.00-00                      0x6   0x8d6b     1096 L1 L2
camaro.00-00                     0x9   0x877b     1101 L1 L2
ranier.00-00                     0x8   0x855d     1103 L1 L2
glacier.00-00                    0x7   0xf892     1098 L1 L2
glacier.02-00                    0x1   0xd141     1089 L1 L2
badlands.00-00                   0x6    0x562     1105 L1 L2
  6 LSPs

show isis database brief

The output for the show isis database brief command is identical to that for the show isis database command. For sample output, see show isis database.

show isis database detail

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show isis database logical-system CE3 sisira.00-00 detail      

IS-IS level 1 link-state database:

sisira.00-00 Sequence: 0x11, Checksum: 0x10fc, Lifetime: 975 secs
   IS neighbor: hemantha-CE3.02               Metric:       10
   ES neighbor: 0015.0015.0015                Metric:       10 Down
   ES neighbor: 0025.0025.0025                Metric:       10 Down
   ES neighbor: 0030.0030.0030                Metric:       10 Down
   ES neighbor: 0040.0040.0040                Metric:       10 Down
   ES neighbor: sisira                        Metric:        0
   IP prefix:                      Metric:       10 External Down
   IP prefix:                      Metric:       10 External Down
   IP prefix:                      Metric:       10 External Down
   IP prefix:                      Metric:       10 Internal Up
   IP prefix:                  Metric:       10 External Down
   IP prefix:                  Metric:       10 External Down
   IP prefix:                  Metric:       10 External Down
   IP prefix:                  Metric:       10 External Down
   IP prefix:                  Metric:        0 Internal Up

IS-IS level 2 link-state database:

sisira.00-00 Sequence: 0x13, Checksum: 0x69ac, Lifetime: 993 secs
   IS neighbor: hemantha-CE3.02               Metric:       10
   IP prefix:                      Metric:       10 External Down
   IP prefix:                      Metric:       10 External Down
   IP prefix:                      Metric:       10 External Down
   IP prefix:                      Metric:       10 Internal Up
   IP prefix:                  Metric:       10 External Down
   IP prefix:                  Metric:       10 External Down
   IP prefix:                  Metric:       10 External Down
   IP prefix:                  Metric:       10 External Down
   IP prefix:                  Metric:       10 Internal Up
   IP prefix:                  Metric:        0 Internal Up
   ISO prefix: 60.0006.80ff.f800.0000.0108.0001.0015.0015.0015/152
                                              Metric:       10 External Down
   ISO prefix: 60.0006.80ff.f800.0000.0108.0001.0025.0025.0025/152
                                              Metric:       10 External Down
   ISO prefix: 60.0006.80ff.f800.0000.0108.0001.0030.0030.0030/152
                                              Metric:       10 External Down
   ISO prefix: 60.0006.80ff.f800.0000.0108.0001.0040.0040.0040/152
                                              Metric:       10 External Down
   ISO prefix: 60.0006.80ff.f800.0000.0108.0001.0060.0060.0060/152
                                              Metric:        0 Internal Up

show isis database extensive (TI-LFA for IS-IS v6)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show isis database extensive   
    Area address: 47.0005.80ff.f800.0000.0108.0001 (13)
    LSP Buffer Size: 1492
    Speaks: IP
    Speaks: IPV6
    IP router id:
    IP address:
    Hostname: r1_re0
    IS neighbor: r0_re.00, Internal, Metric: default 10
    IS neighbor: r1_re0.02, Internal, Metric: default 10
    Extended IS Reachability TLV, Type: 22, Length: 154
    IS extended neighbor: r0_re.00, Metric: default 10 SubTLV len: 72
       IPv6 address: ::
       Neighbor's IPv6 address: ::
      Local interface index: 333, Remote interface index: 333
      P2P IPV6 Adj-SID - Flags:0xf0(F:1,B:1,V:1,L:1,S:0,P:0), Weight:0, Label: 24
      P2P IPv6 Adj-SID:      24, Weight:   0, Flags: FBVL—

IS-IS level 1 link-state database:
R2_re.00-00 Sequence: 0x6, Checksum: 0x9f29, Lifetime: 553 secs
   IS neighbor: R2_re.02                      Metric:       10
     Two-way fragment: R2_re.02-00, Two-way first fragment: R2_re.02-00
     LAN IPv6 Adj-SID:  299776, Weight:   0, Neighbor: R4_re, Flags: F-VL--
   IS neighbor: R1_re.02                      Metric:       10
     Two-way fragment: R1_re.02-00, Two-way first fragment: R1_re.02-00
     LAN IPv6 Adj-SID:  299792, Weight:   0, Neighbor: R1_re, Flags: F-VL--
   V6 prefix: 2::/24                          Metric:        0 Internal Up
   V6 prefix: 10:12:12::/96                   Metric:       10 Internal Up 
   V6 prefix: 10:24:24::/96                   Metric:       10 Internal Up
    Area address: 47.0005.80ff.f800.0000.0108.0001 (13)
    LSP Buffer Size: 1492
    Speaks: IP
    Speaks: IPV6
    IP router id:
    IP address:
    Hostname: R2_re
    IS neighbor: r5_re0.00, Internal, Metric: default 10
    IS neighbor: r0_re0.00, Internal, Metric: default 10
    IS neighbor: r0_re0.00, Internal, Metric: default 10
    Extended IS Reachability TLV, Type: 22, Length: 120
    IS extended neighbor: r5_re0.00, Metric: default 10 SubTLV len: 29
      IP address:
      Neighbor's IP address:
      Local interface index: 334, Remote interface index: 334
      P2P IPV6 Adj-SID - Flags:0xb0(F:1,B:0,V:1,L:1,S:0,P:0), Weight:0, Label: 18
      P2P IPv6 Adj-SID:      18, Weight:   0, Flags: F-VL--
      +P2P SRV6 END-X-SID:2001:db8:7000::11 , Flags:--P, Weight:0 
       + Flags:0x20(B:0,S:0,P:1), Flavor: USD 
     SRv6 Locator: 2001:db8:2::/48, Metric: 0, MTID: 0, Flags: 0
      SRv6 SID: 2001:db8:2::2:2, Flavor: PSP, USP, USD
      SRv6 SID: 2001:db8:2::2:3, Flavor: USD
      SRv6 SID: 2001:db8:2::2:2, Flavor: None 
    Router Capability:  Router ID, Flags: 0x00
      SPRING Algorithm - Algo: 0
      SRv6 Capability - Flags: 0  
      Node MSD Advertisement Sub-TLV, Type: 23, Length: 2
        SRv6 Maximum Segments Left MSD Sub-TLV, Type:41, Value: 6 
IPv6 prefix: 2001:db8:2::/48 Metric 0 Up
    IPv6 prefix: 10:24:24::/96 Metric 10 Up
    IPv6 prefix: 10:12:12::/96 Metric 10 Up
    IS neighbor: R2_re.02, Internal, Metric: default 10
    IS neighbor: R1_re.02, Internal, Metric: default 10
    Extended IS Reachability TLV, Type: 22, Length: 68

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.
