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show ipv6 neighbors

date_range 19-Nov-23


content_copy zoom_out_map
show ipv6 neighbors
<hostname host-name>
<interface interface-name>
<logical-system logical-system-name>
<reference-count count>
<tenant name>
<vpn vpn-name>


Display information about the IPv6 neighbor cache.


Starting with Junos OS Release 16.1, show ipv6 neighbors command does not display the underlying ifl information if enhanced-convergence statement at [edit irb unit unit-number] hierarchy level and enhanced-ip statement at [edit chassis network-services] hierarchy level is configured for the destination interface IRB.



Display the entries in the IPv6 table.


(Optional) Display the flags set, if any.

hostname host-name

(Optional) Display the hostname.

interface interface-name

(Optional) Display information about IPv6 for the specified logical interface

logical-system logical-system-name

(Optional) Display the IPv6 entries for the specified logical system; only available on the main router context.

reference-count count

(Optional) Display the IPv6 next-hop reference count.

tenant name

(Optional) Displays the IPv6 entries for the specified tenant system; only available in the main router context.

vpn vpn-name

(Optional) Display entries in the IPv6 table for the specified virtual private network’s (VPN) routing table.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 describes the output fields for the show ipv6 neighbors command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show ipv6 neighbors Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

IPv6 Address

Name of the IPv6 interface.

Linklayer Address

Link-layer address.


State of the link: up, down, incomplete, reachable, stale, or unreachable.


Number of seconds until the entry expires.


Whether the neighbor is a routing device: yes or no.


Whether this entry was created using the Secure Neighbor Discovery (SEND) protocol: yes or no.


Name of the interface.

Sample Output

show ipv6 neighbors

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show ipv6 neighbors    
IPv6 Address                 Linklayer Address  State       Exp Rtr Secure Interface
2001:db8:0:1:2a0:a514:0:24c  00:05:85:8f:c8:bd  stale       546 yes no      fe-1/2/0.1  
fe80::2a0:a514:0:24c         00:05:85:8f:c8:bd  stale       258 yes no      fe-1/2/0.1  
fe80::2a0:a514:0:64c         00:05:85:8f:c8:bd  stale       111 yes no      fe-1/2/1.5  
fe80::2a0:a514:0:a4c         00:05:85:8f:c8:bd  stale       327 yes no      fe-1/2/2.9  

show ipv6 neighbors

The command displaying the underlying l2 ifl information when enhanced-convergence statement and enhanced-ip statement is not configured.

content_copy zoom_out_map
IPv6 Address                 Linklayer Address  State       Exp Rtr Secure Interface
23::23:0:0:2                 00:00:23:00:00:02  reachable   0   no  no      irb.0 [xe-2/2/0.0]

The command not displaying the underlying l2 ifl information when enhanced-convergence statement and enhanced-ip statement is configured.

content_copy zoom_out_map
IPv6 Address                 Linklayer Address  State       Exp Rtr Secure Interface
23::23:0:0:2                 00:00:23:00:00:02  reachable   0   no  no      irb.0

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

flags, hostname, interface, logical-system, reference-count, tenant, and vpn options added in Junos OS Release 18.3.
