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reserve ingress-egress-mcast


Hierarchy Level


You can configure the bandwidth of the recycle interface to enable a percentage of the recycle interface bandwidth for ingress-egress multicast replication.

The following is an example of multicast replication bandwidth calculation:

internal-forwarding-bandwidth = 100Gbps

Reserved ingress-egress-multicast = 40% means

For multicast replication, you can obtain 100Gbps x 40/100 = 40 Gbps per PFE and receiver.

In the above example, 40Gbps is the reserved bandwidth on the recycle port. When you send 100Gbps multicast traffic, then that multicast traffic is forwarded without any drop till 40Gbps, because the remaining 60Gpbs bandwidth was planned for other than multicast applications.



Recycle interface bandwidth percentage.

  • Range: 1 through 100 %

  • Default: 100%

Required Privilege Level

routing—To view this statement in the configuration.

routing-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS EVO Release 21.4R1.