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Junos CLI Reference
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srgb (Protocols IS-IS)

date_range 17-May-24


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srgb {
    start-label start-label-value;
    index-range index range-value;

Hierarchy Level

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[edit logical-systems name protocols isis source-packet-routing],
[edit logical-systems name routing-instances name protocols isis source-packet-routing],
[edit protocols isis source-packet-routing],
[edit routing-instances name protocols isis source-packet-routing]


Configure the segment routing global block (SRGB) in source packet routing in networking (SPRING) or segment routing (SR). The SRGB label range is based on the start label and the index range. The value of the start label indicates the start of the label range, and the value of the index range along with the value of the start label indicate the end of the label range.


index-range index-range-value

Index range of the SRGB label block.

  • Range: 32 through 1,048,559

start-label start-label-value

Start of the SRGB label block.

  • Range: 16 through 1,048,575

Required Privilege Level

routing—To view this statement in the configuration.

routing-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 17.2.

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 17.3 for QFX5110 and QFX5200 switches.
