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Junos CLI Reference
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traceoptions (flow)

date_range 03-Jun-24


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    traceoptions {
        file< filename><files files><match match><size size><(world-readable | no-world-readable)>;
        flag name;

        local-debug-buf {
            size size;
        packet-filter name {
            conn-tag conn-tag;
            destination-port(afs | bgp | biff | bootpc | bootps | cmd | cvspserver | dhcp | domain | eklogin | ekshell | exec | finger | ftp | ftp-data | http | https | ident | imap | kerberos-sec | klogin | kpasswd | krb-prop | krbupdate | kshell | ldap | ldp | login | mobileip-agent | mobilip-mn | msdp | netbios-dgm | netbios-ns | netbios-ssn | nfsd | nntp | ntalk | ntp | pop3 | pptp | printer | radacct | radius | range | rip | rkinit | smtp | snmp | snmptrap | snpp | socks | ssh | sunrpc | syslog | tacacs | tacacs-ds | talk | telnet | tftp | timed | who | xdmcp | zephyr-clt | zephyr-hm | zephyr-srv);
            destination-prefix destination-prefix;
            interface interface;

            protocol(ah | egp | esp | gre | icmp | icmp6 | igmp | ipip | number | ospf | pim | rsvp | sctp | tcp | udp);
            source-port(afs | bgp | biff | bootpc | bootps | cmd | cvspserver | dhcp | domain | eklogin | ekshell | exec | finger | ftp | ftp-data | http | https | ident | imap | kerberos-sec | klogin | kpasswd | krb-prop | krbupdate | kshell | ldap | ldp | login | mobileip-agent | mobilip-mn | msdp | netbios-dgm | netbios-ns | netbios-ssn | nfsd | nntp | ntalk | ntp | pop3 | pptp | printer | radacct | radius | range | rip | rkinit | smtp | snmp | snmptrap | snpp | socks | ssh | sunrpc | syslog | tacacs | tacacs-ds | talk | telnet | tftp | timed | who | xdmcp | zephyr-clt | zephyr-hm | zephyr-srv);
            source-prefix source-prefix;
        rate-limit rate-limit;
        trace-level {
            (brief | detail | minimal);

Hierarchy Level

content_copy zoom_out_map
[edit logical-systems name security flow]


Starting in Junos OS Release 24.2R1, we support local-debug-buf option to configure number of lines for the flow local trace buffer, and the maximum lines allowed is 40,000. A new flag packet-track has been introduced to get information about the packet being handled in SRX data path, The flag packet-track should be configured in root logical system. To track information about the packets in non root logical system use the option root-override along with flag packet-track.



Disable remote tracing


Limit the incoming rate of trace messages

  • Default: 0

  • Range: 0 through 4294967295


Allow collect flow trace in root from all logical-systems and tenants


Flow trace level

  • brief—Brief messages including notice, in addition to minimal messages

  • detail—Detail messages including info and debug, in addition to brief messages

  • minimal—Significant messages including warning, error, criticality, alert and emergency.

The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement modified in Junos OS Release 24.2R1.
