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Junos CLI Reference
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date_range 19-Nov-23


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egress-te-node-segment name {
    egress-te-backup-ip-forward instance-name;
    egress-te-backup-segment label label-value;
    egress-te-set set-name weight weight;
    label label-value;

Hierarchy Level

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[edit logical-systems name protocols              bgp              group name neighbor],
[edit logical-systems name              routing-instances              name protocols bgp group name neighbor],
[edit logical-systems name tenants name routing-instances name protocols              bgp              group name     neighbor],
[edit protocols bgp    group name     neighbor],
[edit routing-instances name protocols              bgp              group name     neighbor],
[edit tenants name routing-instances name protocols bgp              group name     neighbor]


Specify a BGP peer node segment for both single hop and multihop EBGP peers. You can configure a node segment as a member of a segment set so that the packet is sent to any member that is the ECMP next hop in the set. Before configuring a node segment as a member of a segment set, you must create a segment set first. If you fail to create the segment set before assigning a node segment, the commit might fail.

This configuration enables egress peer engineering using BGP link-state distribution in a network configured with segment routing. The egress router advertises the peer node SID label for all its peers and the controller advertises these SID labels to the ingress router.


egress-te-backup-ip-forward instance-name

Specify a routing-instance name to use the IP forward backup path for egress TE.

egress-te-backup-segment label label-value

Specify the backup label value for a segment for MPLS fast reroute. The label must already be associated with a segment and must be different from the protected segment specified with the egress-te-node-segment or egress-te-adj-segment statement.

egress-te-set set-name weight weight

Specify the name of the segment set configured with theegress-te-set-segment statement. You can include both node segments and adjacency segments in the same segment set. The egress router advertises the peer node SID label for all its peers including the EBGP peers and the controller advertises these SID labels to the ingress router.

  • Range: weight: 1 through 255

label label-value

Specify a label from the static label range for the peer node segment.

Required Privilege Level

routing—To view this statement in the configuration.

routing-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 18.4R1.

egress-te-backup-ip-forward option introduced in Release 20.1R1.
