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show system ztp

date_range 19-Nov-23


content_copy zoom_out_map
show system ztp 


This command displays the Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) and Secure Zero Touch Provisioning (SZTP) state information.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

For a description of the output fields, see Table 1. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear. The state field can have multiple settings. The rest of the fields are self explanatory based on DHCP arguments provided by the server.

Table 1: show system ztp Output Fields

Field Name



ZTP state field values for starting:

  • INITIALIZED—ZTP is initializing.

  • STARTED—ZTP started running.

ZTP state field values for image download:

  • IMAGE_DOWNLOADING—ZTP is downloading the next software image.

  • IMAGE_DOWNLOADED—ZTP is finished downloading the next software image.

  • RETRY_IMAGE_DOWNLOAD—ZTP is retrying image download.

  • IMAGE_NOT_FOUND—ZTP could not find the image at the specified location on the server.

ZTP state field values for configuration download:

  • CONFIG_DOWNLOADING—ZTP is downloading the configuration.

  • CONFIG_DOWNLOADED—ZTP is finished downloading the configuration.

  • RETRY_CONFIG_DOWNLOAD—ZTP is retrying configuration download.

  • CONFIG_NOT_FOUND—ZTP could not find the configuration.

ZTP state field values for upgrading configuration:

  • IMAGE_CONFIG_UPGRADING—ZTP got an image and a configuration from the server.

  • CONFIG_UPGRADING—ZTP is upgrading the configuration.

ZTP state field values for upgrading image:

  • RETRY_IMAGE_UPGRADE—ZTP is retrying image upgrade.

  • IMAGE_CONFIG_UPGRADING—ZTP got an image and a configuration from the server.

  • IMAGE_UPGRADING—ZTP is downloading the image.

  • IMAGE_UPGRADED—ZTP is finished upgrading the image.

ZTP state field values for scripts:

  • SCRIPT_UPGRADING—ZTP is running the script provided by server.

  • SCRIPT_UPGRADED—ZTP is finished upgrading the script.

  • SCRIPT_UPGRADE_SUCCEEDED—ZTP script upgrade finished with success.

  • SCRIPT_UPGRADE_FAILED—ZTP script upgrade finished with failure status.

ZTP state field values for reboot:

  • REBOOTING—ZTP is rebooting the system.

  • REBOOTED—ZTP is finished rebooting the system.

ZTP state field values for configuration commit:

  • CONFIG_COMMIT_SUCCEEDED—ZTP succeeded in committing user configuration.

  • CONFIG_COMMIT_FAILED—ZTP user configuration commit failed.

ZTP state field values for finishing:

  • FAILED—ZTP failed.

  • SUCCEEDED—ZTP succeeded.


On secure platforms running Junos OS, the default bootstrapping mode that is currently running.

  • Secure— SZTP is the default bootstrapping mode.

  • Unsecure— ZTP is the default bootstrapping mode.

On secure platforms running Junos OS Evolved, the default bootstrapping mode that is currently running.

  • Secure— SZTP is the default bootstrapping mode.

  • Unsecure— ZTP is the default bootstrapping mode.


Name of interface.


On secure platforms running Junos OS, the default bootstrapping mode.

  • Secure— SZTP is the default bootstrapping mode.

  • Unsecure— ZTP is the default bootstrapping mode.

On secure platforms running Junos OS Evolved, the default bootstrapping mode.

  • Secure— SZTP is the default bootstrapping mode.

  • Unsecure— ZTP is the default bootstrapping mode.


IP address.


When the log server, NTP server, or FTP server are on a remote subnet, the value of DefaultRouter is used to configure a route to reach the servers.


ZTP allows specification of a remote log server address. ZTP logs are then streamed to the remote log server.


ZTP allows specification of a remote NTP server address.


Options for TransferMode are ftp, tftp, http, or https


It can be a symbolic link.


Configuration file name.


Configuration URL.


This field specifies whether the configuration file is downloading, is downloaded, or the download is being retried.


If the ZTP state machine, which applies the image and configuration, fails, the number of retries attempted.


If the DHCP state machine, which fetches parameters for ZTP from the DHCP server, fails, the number of times it retries.

ZTP State History

Lists the last 10 state transitions by Time (date and time) and Description or which state it was in then.

Sample Output

show system ztp

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show system ztp
Attribute          Value
ZtpInterface       vmb0
HostName           sw-123
LogServers         [u'']
NtpServers         [u'', u'']
TransferMode       tftp
ImageFileName      /ZTP_IMAGES/test.iso
ImageFileType      None
ImageUrl           tftp://
ImageStatus        IMAGE_DOWNLOADED
ConfigFileName     /ZTP_CONFIG/sw-123.cfg
ConfigUrl          tftp://
ConfigStatus       CONFIG_DOWNLOADED
ZtpRetryCount      0
DhcpRetryCount     0
ZTP State History(last 10 transitions)
   Time                       Description
   Fri Jun  5 22:35:40 2020   Started
   Fri Jun  5 22:36:46 2020   Initialized
   Fri Jun  5 22:37:08 2020   Discovering interfaces
   Fri Jun  5 22:37:31 2020   Querying DHCP Server
   Fri Jun  5 22:37:43 2020   DHCP query succeeded
   Fri Jun  5 22:41:46 2020   Upgrading image and config

show system ztp (Default Platform Boot Mode and Default Boot Mode that is currently running on the device)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show system ztp
ZtpPlatformDefault UnSecure
ZtpBootMode UnSecure

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Evolved Release 19.1R1.
