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show system visibility network

date_range 19-Nov-23


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show system visibility network


Displays details such as the list of MAC addresses assigned to VNF interfaces, the list of internal IP addresses for VNFs, the list of virtual functions used by VNFs, and the list of VNF interfaces for a Junos OS platform.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show system visibility network command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show system visibility network Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Fields for List of VNF MAC Addresses


The name of the VNF.


The MAC address of the VNF.

Fields for List of VNF Internal IP Addresses


The name of the VNF.


The IP address of the VNF.

Fields for List of VNF Virtual Functions


The name of the VNF.


The names of the Physical Functions available.


The names of the Virtual Functions available for each Physical Function.

Fields for List of Free Virtual Functions


The names of the Physical Functions available.


The names of the Virtual Functions available for each Physical Function.

Reserved For

The owner type for the Virtual Functions.

Fields for List of VNF Interfaces


The name of the VNF.


The name of the interface.


The type of interface.


The connectivity source.


The connectivity model.


The MAC address of the VNF.

Sample Output

show system visibility network (NFX150)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show system visibility network
VNF MAC Addresses
VNF                                       MAC
----------------------------------------- -----------------
centos1_ethdef0                           00:00:5E:00:53:9E
centos1_ethdef1                           00:00:5E:00:53:9F
centos1_eth2                              00:00:5E:00:53:A0
centos1_eth3                              00:00:5E:00:53:A1
centos2_ethdef0                           00:00:5E:00:53:A2
centos2_ethdef1                           00:00:5E:00:53:A3
centos2_eth2                              00:00:5E:00:53:A4
centos2_eth3                              00:00:5E:00:53:A5

VNF Internal IP Addresses
VNF                                       IP
----------------------------------------- ---------------

VNF Virtual Functions
VNF                                       PF        VF
----------------------------------------- --------- ------------
l3_ge_1_0_4_vfdef0                        heth-0-1  0000:04:10:0
l2_ge_0_0_0_vfdef0                        heth-0-0  0000:04:10:1
l2_ge_0_0_0_vfdef1                        heth-0-0  0000:04:10:5
l2_ge_0_0_0_vfdef2                        heth-0-0  0000:04:11:1
l2_ge_0_0_0_vfdef3                        heth-0-0  0000:04:11:5
l3_ge_1_0_2_vfdef0                        heth-0-5  0000:07:10:0
l2_ge_0_0_2_vfdef0                        heth-0-2  0000:04:10:3
l2_ge_0_0_2_vfdef1                        heth-0-2  0000:04:10:7
l2_ge_0_0_2_vfdef2                        heth-0-2  0000:04:11:3
l2_ge_0_0_2_vfdef3                        heth-0-2  0000:04:11:7
l3_ge_1_0_1_vfdef0                        heth-0-4  0000:07:10:1
l2_ge_0_0_3_vfdef0                        heth-0-3  0000:04:10:2
l2_ge_0_0_3_vfdef1                        heth-0-3  0000:04:10:6
l2_ge_0_0_3_vfdef2                        heth-0-3  0000:04:11:2
l2_ge_0_0_3_vfdef3                        heth-0-3  0000:04:11:6

Free Virtual Functions
PF        VF           Reserved For
--------- ------------ ----------------
heth-0-0  0000:02:10.5 fpc,vnf
heth-0-0  0000:02:11.1 fpc,vnf
heth-0-0  0000:02:11.5 fpc,vnf
heth-0-0  0000:05:10.2 fpc,vnf
heth-0-0  0000:05:10.6 fpc,vnf
heth-0-0  0000:05:10.4 fpc,vnf
heth-0-0  0000:02:10.1 fpc,vnf

VNF Interfaces
VNF             Interface Type   Source             Model      MAC                  VLAN-ID
--------------  ---------------  -----------------  ---------- -------------------- --------
centos2         centos2_vnet6    network default    virtio     00:00:5e:00:53:a2    --     
centos2         centos2_vnet7    bridge eth0br      virtio     00:00:5e:00:53:a3    --     
centos2         centos2_eth2     bridge ovs-sys-br  virtio     00:00:5e:00:53:a4    199    
centos2         centos2_eth3     bridge custom1     virtio     00:00:5e:00:53:a5    --     
centos1         centos1_vnet4    network default    virtio     00:00:5e:00:53:9e    --     
centos1         centos1_vnet5    bridge eth0br      virtio     00:00:5e:00:53:9f    --     
centos1         centos1_eth2     bridge ovs-sys-br  virtio     00:00:5e:00:53:a0    100    
centos1         centos1_eth3     bridge custom1     virtio     00:00:5e:00:53:a1    --     

OVS Interfaces
----------------- ------
NAME              MTU
----------------- ------
custom1           1500  
centos2_eth3      1500  
centos1_eth3      1500  
veth11            9200  
l3_h_ge_1_0_0     9200  
veth01            9200  
ovs-sys-br        1500  
centos1_eth2      1500  
centos2_eth2      1500

show system visibility network (NFX250 (NG))

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show system visibility network
VNF Virtual Functions
VNF                                       PF        VF
----------------------------------------- --------- ------------
System_vfdef0                             hsxe0     0000:03:13:6
System_vfdef0                             hsxe1     0000:03:13:7

Free Virtual Functions
PF        VF           Reserved For
--------- ------------ ----------------
hsxe0     0000:03:10.0 vnf        
hsxe0     0000:03:11.4 vnf        
hsxe0     0000:03:10.2 vnf        
hsxe0     0000:03:11.6 vnf        
hsxe0     0000:03:10.4 vnf        
hsxe0     0000:03:11.0 vnf        
hsxe0     0000:03:10.6 vnf        
hsxe0     0000:03:11.2 vnf        
hsxe0     0000:03:12.2 vnf        
hsxe0     0000:03:12.0 vnf        
hsxe0     0000:03:13.4 vnf        
hsxe0     0000:03:12.6 vnf        
hsxe0     0000:03:13.2 vnf        
hsxe0     0000:03:12.4 vnf        
hsxe0     0000:03:13.0 vnf        
hsxe1     0000:03:11.5 vnf        
hsxe1     0000:03:10.1 vnf        
hsxe1     0000:03:11.7 vnf        
hsxe1     0000:03:10.3 vnf        
hsxe1     0000:03:11.1 vnf        
hsxe1     0000:03:10.5 vnf        
hsxe1     0000:03:11.3 vnf        
hsxe1     0000:03:10.7 vnf        
hsxe1     0000:03:12.3 vnf        
hsxe1     0000:03:13.5 vnf        
hsxe1     0000:03:12.1 vnf        
hsxe1     0000:03:13.3 vnf        
hsxe1     0000:03:12.7 vnf        
hsxe1     0000:03:13.1 vnf        
hsxe1     0000:03:12.5 vnf

OVS Interfaces
NAME              MTU
----------------- ------
dpdk1             1500
ovs-sys-br        1500
l3_h_ge_1_0_0     1500
dpdk0             1500

show system visibility network (NFX350)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show system visibility network
VNF MAC Addresses
VNF                                       MAC
----------------------------------------- -----------------
new_ethdef0                               78:4F:9B:2B:2E:4B
new_ethdef1                               78:4F:9B:2B:2E:4C

VNF Internal IP Addresses
VNF                                       IP
----------------------------------------- ---------------

VNF Virtual Functions
VNF                                       PF        VF
----------------------------------------- --------- ------------
new                                       hsxe0     0000:b7:02.1
new                                       hsxe0     0000:b7:02.2

Free Virtual Functions
PF        VF           Reserved For
--------- ------------ ----------------
hsxe0     0000:b6:02.3 vnf
hsxe0     0000:b6:03.5 fpc
hsxe0     0000:b6:02.1 vnf
hsxe0     0000:b6:02.2 vnf
hsxe0     0000:b6:03.6 fpc
hsxe0     0000:b6:02.4 vnf
hsxe0     0000:b6:02.5 vnf
hsxe0     0000:b6:02.6 vnf
hsxe0     0000:b6:02.7 vnf
hsxe1     0000:b6:06.4 vnf
hsxe1     0000:b6:06.5 vnf
hsxe1     0000:b6:06.6 vnf
hsxe1     0000:b6:06.7 vnf
hsxe1     0000:b6:06.1 vnf
hsxe1     0000:b6:06.2 vnf
hsxe1     0000:b6:06.3 vnf
hsxe1     0000:b6:07.5 fpc
hsxe1     0000:b6:07.6 fpc
hsxe2     0000:b6:0b.5 fpc
hsxe2     0000:b6:0b.6 fpc
hsxe2     0000:b6:0a.7 vnf
hsxe2     0000:b6:0a.6 vnf
hsxe2     0000:b6:0a.5 vnf
hsxe2     0000:b6:0a.4 vnf
hsxe2     0000:b6:0a.3 vnf
hsxe2     0000:b6:0a.2 vnf
hsxe2     0000:b6:0a.1 vnf
hsxe3     0000:b6:0e.3 vnf
hsxe3     0000:b6:0e.2 vnf
hsxe3     0000:b6:0e.1 vnf
hsxe3     0000:b6:0e.7 vnf
hsxe3     0000:b6:0e.6 vnf
hsxe3     0000:b6:0e.5 vnf
hsxe3     0000:b6:0e.4 vnf
hsxe3     0000:b6:0f.5 fpc
hsxe3     0000:b6:0f.6 fpc

VNF Interfaces
VNF                  Interface Type      Source       Model      MAC                  VLAN-ID
-------------------- --------- --------- ------------ ---------- -------------------- -------
new                  --        hostdev   --           --         78:4f:9b:2b:2e:4b    97
new                  --        hostdev   --           --         78:4f:9b:2b:2e:4c    4000

OVS Interfaces
NAME              MTU
----------------- ------
dpdk0             9216
xdsl_eth0         9192
ovs-sys-br        9192
dpdk2             9216
dpdk1             9216
dpdk3             9216
l3_h_ge_1_0_0     9216

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 18.1R1.
