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show services ssl proxy status

date_range 19-Nov-23


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show services ssl proxy status


Display information about the SSL proxy status.


pic-info fpc-slot slot number pic-slot slot-number

Display the information for the FPC in the specified slot.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 list the output fields for the show services ssl proxy status command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show services ssl proxy status Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description


One-crypto status: enabled or disabled.

Async Crypto

Async Crypto status: enabled or disabled.

Proxy activation

Status of proxy activation.

Local logging

Status of local logging.

SSLFP <-> PKID Link Status

SSL forward proxy to PKID link status

Certificate cache activated

Status of the certificate cache

Max cert cache nodes

Maximum number of certificates in cache nodes

Invalidate certificate cache on CRL update : Disabled

Status of invalidation of the existing certificate cache

Cert cache node in use

Number of cached certificates in in use

Session cache activated

Status of the session cache

Max session cache node

Maximum number of sessions in cache nodes

Session cache node in use

Number of cached sessions in use.

Sample Output


content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host > show services ssl proxy status
PIC:fwdd0 fpc[0] pic[0] ------
        One-Crypto       :  Enable
        Async Crypto     :  disable
        Proxy-activation :  Only if interested svcs configured
        Local Logging    :  disable
        SSLFP-PKID Link  :  Down
        Certificate cache : -
                Certificate Cache activated                : no
                Invalidate certificate cache on CRL update : Disabled
                Max cert cache nodes  :       4000
                Cert cache node in use :          0
        Session cache : -
                Session cache activated : Deactivated
                Max session cache node  :          0
                Session cache node in use     :          0


Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 19.3R1.
