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show evpn nd-table

date_range 19-Nov-23


content_copy zoom_out_map
show evpn nd-table
<brief |count | detail | extensive>
<instance instance-name>


Show Ethernet VPN (EVPN) Network Discovery Protocol (NDP) entries associated with learned MAC addresses.

Routing platforms support the show bridge evpn nd-table command, which displays the same information and includes the same options.



Display brief information about the EVPN NDP table.


(Optional) Display NDP information for the specified MAC address.

brief | count | detail |extensive

(Optional) Display the specified level of output.

instance <instance-name>

(Optional) Display NDP information for the specified routing instance .

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show evpn nd-table command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show evpn nd-table Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output

INET address

The INET address related to the INET entries that are added to the NDP table.

All levels

MAC address

MAC addresses learned through NDP.

brief, detail, extensive, instance, mac-address,,

Logical Interface

Logical interface associated with the routing instance in which the NDP INET address is learned.

brief, instance, mac-address,,

Routing instance

Routing instance in which the NDP INET address is learned.

all levels

Bridging domain

Bridging domain in which the NDP INET address is learned.

all levels

Learning interface

Interface on which the NDP INET address is learned.

detail, extensive


Indicates the number of NDP INET addresses learned in a routing instance in a bridge domain.


Sample Output

show evpn nd-table

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show evpn nd-table
INET                MAC                Logical       Routing      Bridging
address             address            interface     instance     domain
2001:db8::2         00:05:86:a0:dc:f0  irb.0         evpn_1       __evpn_1__

show evpn nd-table 00:05:86:a0:dc:f0 (MAC address)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show evpn nd-table 00:05:86:a0:dc:f0
INET                MAC                Logical       Routing      Bridging
address             address            interface     instance     domain
2001:db8::2         00:05:86:a0:dc:f0  irb.0         evpn1        __evpn1__

show evpn nd-table brief

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show evpn nd-table brief
INET                MAC                Logical       Routing      Bridging
address             address            interface     instance     domain
2001:db8::2         00:05:86:a0:dc:f0  irb.0         evpn1        __evpn1__

show evpn nd-table detail

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show evpn nd-table detail

INET address: 2001:db8::2
MAC address: 00:05:86:a0:dc:f0
  Routing instance: evpn1
   Bridging domain: __evpn1__
   Learning interface: irb.0

show evpn nd-table count

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@switch> show evpn nd-table count             
1 NDP INET addresses learned in routing instance evpn1 bridge domain __evpn1__

show evpn nd-table extensive

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show evpn nd-table extensive

INET address: 2001:db8::2
MAC address: 00:05:86:a0:dc:f0
  Routing instance: evpn1
   Bridging domain: __evpn1__
   Learning interface: irb.0

show evpn ndp-table instance evpn1

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show evpn arp-table instance evpn1
INET                MAC                Logical       Routing      Bridging
address             address            interface     instance     domain
2001:db8::2         00:05:86:a0:dc:f0  irb.0         evpn1        __evpn1__

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 16.2.
