traceoptions (Protocols OpenFlow)
traceoptions { file <filename> <files number> <match regular-expression> <size size> <world-readable | no-world-readable>; flag flag; no-remote-trace; }
Hierarchy Level
[edit protocols openflow]
Define tracing operations for OpenFlow.
If you do not include this statement, no OpenFlow-specific tracing operations are performed.
file filename | Name of the file to receive the output of the tracing operation. All files are placed in the /var/log directory.
files number | (Optional) Maximum number of trace files. When a trace file named trace-file reaches its maximum size, it is renamed and compressed to trace-file.0.gz. When trace-file again reaches its maximum size, trace-file.0.gz is renamed trace-file.1.gz, and trace-file is renamed and compressed to trace-file.0.gz. This renaming scheme continues until the maximum number of trace files is reached. After this, the oldest trace file is overwritten. If you specify a maximum number of files, you also
must specify a maximum file size by using the
flag flag | Tracing operation to perform. To specify more than one tracing operation, include multiple flag statements. You can include the following flags:
match regular-expression | (Optional) Log only those lines that match the regular expression. |
no-remote-trace | (Optional) Disable tracing and logging operations that track normal operations, error conditions, and packets that are generated by or have passed through the Juniper Networks device. |
no-world-readable | (Optional) Disable unrestricted file access, which restricts file access to the owner. This is the default. |
size size | (Optional) Maximum size of each trace file in bytes, kilobytes
(KB), megabytes (MB), or gigabytes (GB). If you do not specify a unit,
the default is bytes. If you specify a maximum file size, you also
must specify a maximum number of trace files with the
world-readable | (Optional) Enable unrestricted file access. |
Required Privilege Level
admin—To view this statement in the configuration.
admin-control—To add this statement to the configuration.
Release Information
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 13.3.