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show backup-selection

date_range 19-Nov-23


content_copy zoom_out_map
show backup-selection 
<instance instance-name>
<interface interface-name>
<logical-system  logical-system-name>
<prefix prefix>


Display the configured policies for each destination (IPv4 and IPv6) and a primary next-hop interface.


instance instance-name

(Optional) Display configured policy for the routing instance.

interface interface-name

(Optional) Display configured policy for the interface.

logical-system logical-system-name

(Optional) Display configured policy for a particular logical system or for all logical systems.

prefix prefix

(Optional) Display configured policy for the destination.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 describes the output fields for the show backup-selection command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show backup-selection Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description


Destination prefix .


Primary interface to reach the destination.

  • all — All the interfaces on the router which requires backup path.

  • <interface-name> — Specific primary interface in the backup path.

admin-group exclude

Specifies the administrative groups to be excluded. The backup path is not selected as the loop free alternative or backup next hop if any of the links in the path have any one of the listed administrative groups.

admin-group include-all

Requires each link in the backup path to have all the listed administrative groups in order to accept the path.

admin-group include-any

Requires each link in the backup path to have at least one of the listed administrative groups in order to select the path.

admin-group preference

Defines an ordered set of administrative groups that specifies the preference of the backup path. The leftmost element in the set is given the highest preference.

nodes excluded

Specifies the list of nodes to be excluded. The backup path that has a router from the list is not selected as the loop free alternative or backup next hop.

nodes preference

Defines an ordered set of nodes to be preferred. The backup path having the leftmost node is selected.

node-tags excluded

Specifies the backup selection to exclude the set of route tags in the backup path selection.

node-tags preference

Specifies the set of route tags in descending order of preference.


Specifies the required protection type of the backup path.

  • node — Selects a backup path that provides node protection.

  • link — Selects the backup path that provides link protection.

  • node-link — Allows either node or link protection LFA where node-protection LFA is preferred over link-protection LFA.

downstream paths only

Selects the backup path that is a downstream path to the destination.


Evaluates common srlgs between the primary link and each link in the backup path.

  • strict — Rejects the backup path that has common srlgs between the primary link and any link in the backup path.

  • loose — Allows the backup path that has common srlgs between the primary link and any link in the backup path. The backup path with the fewer number of srlg collisions is preferred.

B/W >= primary

Uses backup next hop only if the bandwidth is greater than or equal to the primary next hop.


Metric to one-hop node or remote router such as an RSVP backup label switched path (LSP) tail-end router.


Metric from one-hop node or remote router such as an RSVP backup label switched path (LSP) tail-end router to the final destination.

metric evaluation order

Defines the evaluation order of the metric (root and dest metrics) results.

policy evaluation order

Defines the evaluation order of the backup policy.

Sample Output

show backup-selection

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show backup-selection

  Interface: all
    Admin-group exclude: c6
    Admin-group include-all: c1 c2
    Admin-group include-any: c3 c4
    Admin-group preference: c8
    Nodes excluded:
    Node preference:
    Node-tags excluded: 1004
    Node-tag preference: 1007
    Protection Type: Link, Downstream Paths Only: Enabled, SRLG: Strict, B/w >= Primary: Enabled, Root-metric: lowest, Dest-metric: lowest
    Metric Evaluation Order: Root-metric, Dest-metric
    Policy Evaluation Order: Admin-group, SRLG, Bandwidth, Protection, Node, Node-Tag, Metric
  Interface: ge-1/2/5.0
    Admin-group include-all: c1
    Admin-group include-any: c2
    Admin-group preference: c4
    Nodes excluded:
    Node preference:
    Protection Type: Link, Downstream Paths Only: Enabled, SRLG: Strict, B/w >= Primary: Enabled, Root-metric: lowest, Dest-metric: lowest
    Metric Evaluation Order: Root-metric, Dest-metric
    Policy Evaluation Order: Admin-group, SRLG, Bandwidth, Protection
  Interface: all
    Admin-group include-all: c1
    Admin-group include-any: c2
    Admin-group preference: c5
    Nodes excluded:
    Node preference:
    Node-tags excluded: 1004
    Node-tag preference: 1007
    Protection Type: Link, Downstream Paths Only: Enabled, SRLG: Loose, B/w >= Primary: Enabled, Root-metric: lowest, Dest-metric: lowest
    Metric Evaluation Order: Dest-metric, Root-metric
    Policy Evaluation Order: Admin-group, SRLG, Bandwidth
Prefix: ::/0
  Interface: all
    Admin-group exclude: c2
    Admin-group include-all: c1 c3
    Admin-group include-any: c4 c5
    Admin-group preference: c6
    Node preference:
    Protection Type: Link, Downstream Paths Only: Disabled, SRLG: Strict, B/w >= Primary: Enabled, Root-metric: lowest, Dest-metric: lowest
    Metric Evaluation Order: Dest-metric, Root-metric
    Policy Evaluation Order: Admin-group, SRLG, Bandwidth

show backup-selection instance instance-name

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show backup-selection instance r

  Interface: all
    Admin-group include-any: c4
    Admin-group preference: c6 c0
    Nodes excluded:
    Node preference:
    Node-tags excluded: 1007
    Node-tag preference: 1004
    Protection Type: Link, Downstream Paths Only: Enabled, SRLG: Loose, B/w >= Primary: Enabled, Root-metric: lowest, Dest-metric: lowest
    Metric Evaluation Order: Dest-metric, Root-metric
    Policy Evaluation Order: Admin-group, SRLG, Bandwidth

show backup-selection interface interface-name

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show backup-selection interface ge-1/2/5.0

  Interface: ge-1/2/5.0
    Admin-group include-all: c1
    Admin-group include-any: c2
    Admin-group preference: c4
    Nodes excluded:
    Node preference:
    Protection Type: Link, Downstream Paths Only: Enabled, SRLG: Strict, B/w >= Primary: Enabled, Root-metric: lowest, Dest-metric: lowest
    Metric Evaluation Order: Root-metric, Dest-metric
    Policy Evaluation Order: Admin-group, SRLG, Bandwidth, Protection
Prefix: ::/0

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 14.1.
