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show nonstop-routing

date_range 19-Nov-23


content_copy zoom_out_map
show nonstop-routing


Display the status of nonstop active routing that includes the automerge statistics and state.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 describes the output fields for the show nonstop-routing command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show nonstop-routing Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Nonstop Routing

State of NSR.

Precision Timers state

State of precision timer feature in the kernel.

  • Enabled

    By default, autokeepalive precision timers are enabled on the kernel after switchover.

  • Disabled

    Autokeepalive precision timers are disabled.

  • Inactive

    Precision timer is inactive if it is disabled.

  • Ready

    Kernel precision timer is ready but is never activated.

  • InProcess

    Kernel precision timer is operational and is generating keepalives on behalf of the RPD after switchover. The / count indicates the number of sessions being serviced against the total sessions.

  • Completed

    Kernel has completed keepalive generation for all the sessions after switchover, and RPD has taken over all of them successfully.

  • Error

    Error while retrieving the precision timer status of the kernel.

Precision Timers max period

Maximum period, in seconds, after the switchover from standby to primary event for which the kernel autogenerates keepalives on behalf of BGP.


Status of the automerge.

  • Active

    Automerge of sockets by the kernel after switchover is active.

  • Inactive

    Automerge of sockets by the kernel after switchover is inactive.


Status of Batching.

  • Yes

    Automerge of sockets by the kernel after a switchover.

  • No

    Automerge of sockets by the kernel after switchover is inactive.

Batch count

Number of sockets merged per batch.

Batch count adjust

Speed at which the batch count is adjusted.

  • Slow

    Number of sockets merged per batch is incremented additively.

  • Exp

    Number of sockets merged per batch is incremented exponentially.

  • None

    Number of sockets merged per batch remains constant.

Batch interval

Time interval between batches of automerge operation.

Batch interval adjust

Speed at which the batch interval is adjusted.

  • Exp

    Time interval between automerge of batches is increased exponentially.

  • None

    Time interval between automerge of batches is not adjusted.

Automerge State

State of the automerge

  • Ready

    Ready to automerge socket pairs from secondary to primary routing engine

  • InProgress

    Kernel is performing automerge after switchover

  • Switchover Completed

    Sessions merged after switchover

Sessions Processed

Count of sessions that are automerged.

Sample Output

show nonstop-routing (MX Series Router)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host show nonstop-routing
Nonstop Routing : Enabled
  Precision Timers state: Enabled: Completed - 0/0
  Precision Timers max period: 200
  Automerge : Active 
  Batching: No
  Batch count: 200
  Batch count adjust: Exponential
  Batch interval: 20 msec
  Batch interval adjust: None
  Automerge State: Ready
  Sessions Processed: 0

show nonstop-routing (MX Series Router)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show nonstop-routing
Nonstop Routing : Enabled
	      Automerge : Active 
	      Batching: Yes
	      Batch count: 500
	      Batch count adjust: Slow
	      Batch interval: 50 msec
	      Batch interval adjust: None
	      Automerge State: Ready
	      Sessions Processed: 0

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 13.3.
