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damping (BFD Liveness Detection)

date_range 09-Jan-24


content_copy zoom_out_map
   damping {
    half-life-interval seconds;
    increment increment;
    max-suppress-time seconds;
    reuse reuse;
    suppress suppress;

Hierarchy Level

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[edit dynamic-profiles name interfaces name aggregated-ether-options bfd-liveness-detection],
[edit dynamic-profiles name logical-systems name interfaces name aggregated-ether-options bfd-liveness-detection],
[edit interfaces name aggregated-ether-options bfd-liveness-detection]


Enable BFD session damping to dampen excess flap notifications from a BFD session that is going up and down repeatedly. BFD session damping using a merit system where each flap adds to a merit value, and once a BFD session reaches the configured merit value, notifications will be dampened. The merit value decreases by half after a configured time period, and when it falls below a configured threshold, BFD state change notifications will resume.

BFD session damping happens independently on each router locally, so BFD session configuration values should match on both ends of a BFD session to ensure consistent behavior.



Time duration before the accumulated merit value for a BFD session is reduced by half.

  • Default: 30 seconds

  • Range: 1 through 600 seconds


Increments applied to merit value for every flap

  • Default: 1000

  • Range: 1000 through 20000


Maximum amound of time time a BFD session can be suppressed no matter how unstable it has been prior to this period of stability.

  • Default: 600 seconds

  • Range: 1 through 20000 seconds


Maximum merit value that will allow a suppressed BFD session to start notifications again.

  • Default: 1000

  • Range: 1000 through 200000


Minimum merit value that will start suppressing BFD notifications.

  • Default: 5000

  • Range: 1000 through 200000

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 23.4R1.
