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show services rpm twamp client session

date_range 19-Nov-23


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show services rpm twamp client session
<control-connection control-connection-name>
<test-session test-session-name>


Display information about the sessions established between the real-time performance monitoring (RPM) Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP) server and control clients for control packets and data packets. By default, all established control-connection and data-connection or test sessions are displayed, unless you specify a control-connection name or a test-session name when you issue the command. Because TWAMP light servers are stateless, information about them is not included in the output of this command; only information about managed servers is included.



Display information about all established connections and sessions.

control-connection control-connection-name

(Optional) Display information about the specified control-connection, which is established for control-packets exchanged between a TWAMP client and a TWAMP server.

test-session test-session-name

(Optional) Display information about the specified test session, which is established for data packets transmitted between a TWAMP client and a TWAMP server, associated with a control-connection..

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show services rpm twamp client session command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show services rpm twamp client session Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Connection Name

Name of the control connection that uniquely identifies the connection between the TWAMP server and the TWAMP client.

Session Name

Name of the test session that uniquely identifies the data-session between the TWAMP server and the TWAMP client.

Sender address

Sender IP address.

Sender port

Sender port number.

Reflector address

Reflector IP address.

Reflector port

Reflector port number.

Sample Output

show services rpm twamp client session

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show services rpm twamp client session

Connection  Session   Sender       Sender    Reflector    Reflector
      Name     Name   address       port      address       port
      cs1       ts1  41998    5008
      cs2       ts1  53710    5009

show services rpm twamp client session control-connection

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show services rpm twamp client session control-connection c2

Connection  Session   Sender        Sender    Reflector  Reflector
      Name     Name   address         port      address     port
        c2       t1     10008    10008

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 15.1.
