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show spring-traffic-engineering

date_range 30-Jul-24


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show spring-traffic-engineering (lsp | overview | route | sbfd)
<brief | detail>
<logical-system (all | logical-system-name)>
<name lsp-name>


Display ingress details of SPRING traffic engineering.


brief | detail

(Optional) Display the specific level of output.


Display details of SPRING traffic-engineered LSPs on the ingress router or the Path Computation Client (PCC).


Display the spring traffic engineering route information.


Display only SPRING traffic-engineered LSPs for a specific color. This filtering option is available only for LSP, not available for overview and sbfd.


Display only SPRING traffic-engineered LSPs to a specific destination. Destination can be IPv4/IPv6 to-address. This filtering option is available only for LSP, not available for overview and sbfd.


Display overview of SPRING traffic-engineered LSPs on the ingress router, or the PCC.


Display the SPRING traffic-engineered BFD session.

name lsp-name

(Optional) Regular expression for LSP names to match for displaying SPRING traffic-engineering details.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 describes the output fields for the show spring-traffic-engineering command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show spring-traffic-engineering Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description


IP address of the SR-TE LSP destination.


State of the SR-TE LSP:

  • Up

  • Down

LSP Name

Name of the SR-TE LSP.


Source Explicit Route Object (ERO), or LSP path.


Bandwidth allocated for the SR-TE LSP.

Delegation info

LSP control and routing status:

  • Control-status:

    • Externally controlled—PCE has control of the source-routing path.

      This can happen when:

      • The lsp-external-controller pccd statement is configured either under the source-routing path or under the primary segment list.

      • The request path-computation-client retry-delegation lsp-name command is issued for a delegated LSP that was not previously controlled by the PCE.

    • Locally controlled—PCC has control of the source-routing path.

      This can happen when:

      • The PCE has returned the control of the source-routing path.

      • Delegation timer with the PCE has expired.

  • Routing-status: Applicable to delegated source-routing paths only.

    • Externally routed—PCE provided the ERO for the source-routing path for a delegated LSP through PCUpdate.

    • Locally routed—PCE does not provide ERO for the source-routing path.

Route preference

Route preference of the SR-TE LSP.

Number of LSPs

Statistics of the total number of SR-TE LSPs and the LSP state.

External controllers

Name of the LSP external controller. By default the only supported external controller is pccd.

BFD name

Name of the BFD session. The name is auto-generated in the V4-srte_bfd_session-id for IPv6.

The name is based on the Explicit Route Object (ERO) stack of the LSP path, that is, if multiple LSPs have same path they share the same BFD session name.

BFD status

Status of the BFD session: UP, DOWN.

BFD remote-discriminator

Remote discriminator of the reflector (auto-derived or configured)

range: 1 - 4294967295

Referencing LSPs

Name of referencing LSP. If the LSP does not have a path name, then the referencing LSP is displayed as unnamed path.

SR-ERO hop count

Number of hops in the segment routing ERO.

Hop 1

Represents the path of the BFD session. If any other LSP is on same path, it has the same BFD session.

Total displayed BFD sessions

Total count of all the BFD sessions.

Tunnel source

Source of the tunnel configuration; for example, static configuration.

Ingress telemetry statistics

Ingress telemetry statistics including the sensor name and ID.

Transit telemetry statistics

Transit telemetry statistics including the sensor name and ID.

ERO Valid

Indicates whether the received explicit route object (ERO) is valid or not.

Sample Output

show spring-traffic-engineering lsp name

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show spring-traffic-engineering lsp name lsp-name
To         State        LSP Name   Up           to-R1

show spring-traffic-engineering lsp detail

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show spring-traffic-engineering lsp detail
				State: Up
				Bandwidth: 100M

show spring-traffic-engineering lsp detail (BGP-SR-TE policies based tunnel)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show spring-traffic-engineering lsp detail
Name: tunnel15
Tunnel-source: Static configuration
State: Up
  Path: sl-15-primary
  Outgoing interface: NA
  Auto-translate status: Disabled Auto-translate result: N/A
  Compute Status:Disabled , Compute Result:N/A , Compute-Profile Name:N/A
  BFD status: N/A BFD name: N/A
  ERO Valid: true
  SR-ERO hop count: 3
    Hop 1 (Strict):
      NAI: IPv4 Adjacency ID, ->
      SID type: None
    Hop 2 (Strict):
      NAI: None
      SID type: 20-bit label, Value: 400050
    Hop 3 (Strict):
      NAI: None
      SID type: 20-bit label, Value: 400060
  Path: sl-15-backup
  Outgoing interface: ge-0/0/2.0
  Auto-translate status: Disabled Auto-translate result: N/A
  Compute Status:Disabled , Compute Result:N/A , Compute-Profile Name:N/A
  BFD status: N/A BFD name: N/A
  ERO Valid: true
  SR-ERO hop count: 3
    Hop 1 (Strict):
      NAI: IPv4 Adjacency ID, ->
      SID type: None
    Hop 2 (Strict):
      NAI: None
      SID type: 20-bit label, Value: 400050
    Hop 3 (Strict):
      NAI: None
      SID type: 20-bit label, Value: 400060
  Path: sl-15-backup
  Outgoing interface: ge-0/0/2.0
  Auto-translate status: Disabled Auto-translate result: N/A
  Compute Status:Disabled , Compute Result:N/A , Compute-Profile Name:N/A
  BFD status: N/A BFD name: N/A
  ERO Valid: true
  SR-ERO hop count: 3
    Hop 1 (Strict):
      NAI: IPv4 Adjacency ID, ->
      SID type: None
    Hop 2 (Strict):
      NAI: None
      SID type: 20-bit label, Value: 400050
    Hop 3 (Strict):
      NAI: None
      SID type: 20-bit label, Value: 400060

Name: bgp-srte-
Tunnel-source: BGP SRTE
To: State: Up <c>
Outgoing interface: NA
  Auto-translate status: Disabled Auto-translate result: N/A
  BFD status: N/A BFD name: N/A
  ERO Valid: true
  SR-ERO hop count: 1
    Hop 1 (Strict): 
      NAI: None
      SID type: 32-bit label, Value: 400050, TTL: 10, Exp: 1

Name: bgp-srte-
Tunnel-source: BGP SRTE
State: Up   
  Outgoing interface: NA   
  Auto-translate status: Disabled 
  Auto-translate result: N/A   
  BFD status: N/A BFD name: N/A   
  ERO Valid: true   
  SR-ERO hop count: 1     
    Hop 1 (Strict):        
      NAI: None       
      SID type: 32-bit label, Value: 400050, TTL: 10, Exp: 1 

Name: bgp-srte-
Tunnel-source: BGP SRT E                 
State: Up  
	 Outgoing interface: NA   
  Auto-translate status: Disabled 
  Auto-translate result: N/A   
  BFD status: N/A BFD name: N/A   
  ERO Valid: true   
  SR-ERO hop count: 1     
    Hop 1 (Strict):        
      NAI: None       
      SID type: 32-bit label, Value: 400050, TTL: 10, Exp: 1  

Total displayed LSPs: 4 (Up: 4, Down: 0)

show spring-traffic-engineering lsp detail (BGP-SR-TE policies based colored tunnels)

For colored tunnels, telemetry details are displayed.

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show spring-traffic-engineering lsp detail

Name: bgp-srte-
Tunnel-source: BGP SRTE
State: Up Telemetry statistics: 
Sensor-name: f4248-, Id: 3758096396 
Sensor-name:, Id: 3758096395   
  Outgoing interface: NA   
  Auto-translate status: Disabled Auto-translate result: N/A   
  BFD status: N/A BFD name: N/A   
  ERO Valid: true   
  SR-ERO hop count: 1     
  Hop 1 (Strict):        
    NAI: None       
    SID type: 32-bit label, Value: 400050, TTL: 10, Exp: 1 

show spring-traffic-engineering lsp detail (BGP-SRTE filter in tunnel source)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show spring-traffic-engineering lsp detail

show spring-traffic-engineering lsp detail (PCE-Delegated LSPs)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show spring-traffic-engineering lsp detail
Oct 16 14:39:11
Name: srte_at_dlg_to_r5
Tunnel-source: Static configuration
State: Up
  Path: sr_auto_to_r5
  Outgoing interface: NA
  Delegation info:
   Control-status: Externally controlled
   Routing-status: Externally routed
  Auto-translate status: Disabled Auto-translate result: N/A
  BFD status: N/A BFD name: N/A

show spring-traffic-engineering lsp detail (with Auto Derivation)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show spring-traffic-engineering lsp detail
Name: lsp1
  Tunnel-source: Static configuration
  Tunnel Forward Type: SRMPLS
  Te-group-id: 0
  State: Up
  Telemetry statistics:
  Sensor-name: ingress-lsp1, Id: 3758096386
    Path: sl1
    Path Status: NA
    Outgoing interface: NA
    Auto-translate status: Disabled Auto-translate result: N/A
    Compute Status:Enabled , Compute Result:success , Compute-Profile Name:cprof1
    Total number of computed paths: 2
    Segment ID : 128
    Computed-path-index: 1
      BFD status: Up BFD name: V4-srte_bfd_session-2
      BFD remote-discriminator: 184549479 (auto-derived)
      TE metric: 105, IGP metric: 105
Name: lsp2
  Tunnel-source: Static configuration
  Tunnel Forward Type: SRMPLS
  Te-group-id: 0
  State: Up
  Telemetry statistics:
  Sensor-name: ingress-lsp2, Id: 3758096389
    Path: sl2
    Path Status: NA
    Outgoing interface: NA
    Auto-translate status: Disabled Auto-translate result: N/A
    Compute Status:Enabled , Compute Result:success , Compute-Profile Name:cprof1
    Total number of computed paths: 2
    Segment ID : 128
    Computed-path-index: 1
      BFD status: Up BFD name: V4-srte_bfd_session-4
      BFD remote-discriminator: 501 (configured)
      TE metric: 105, IGP metric: 105

Name: lsp3
  Tunnel-source: Static configuration
  Tunnel Forward Type: SRMPLS
  Te-group-id: 0
  State: Up
  Telemetry statistics:
  Sensor-name: ingress-lsp3, Id: 3758096386
    Path: sl2
    Path Status: NA
    Outgoing interface: NA
    Auto-translate status: Disabled Auto-translate result: N/A
    Compute Status:Enabled , Compute Result:success , Compute-Profile Name:cprof1
    Total number of computed paths: 2
    Segment ID : 128
    Computed-path-index: 1
      BFD status: N/A BFD name: N/A
      BFD remote-discriminator: N/A
      TE metric: 105, IGP metric: 105

show spring-traffic-engineering overview

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show spring-traffic-engineering overview
Overview of SPRING-TE:
  Route preference: 8
  Number of LSPs: 0 (Up: 0, Down: 0)
  External controllers:

show spring-traffic-engineering sbfd detail

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show spring-traffic-engineering sbfd detail
BFD name: V4-srte_bfd_session-1
BFD status: Down
Referencing LSPs:
SR-ERO hop count: 2
  Hop 1 (Strict):
    NAI: IPv4 Adjacency ID, ->
    SID type: 20-bit label, Value: 299776
  Hop 2 (Strict):
    NAI: IPv4 Adjacency ID, ->
      SID type: 20-bit label, Value: 299824

Total displayed BFD sessions: 2 (Up: 2, Down: 0) 

show spring-traffic-engineering sbfd detail (with Auto-derivation)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show spring-traffic-engineering sbfd detail
BFD name: V4-srte_bfd_session-2
BFD status: Up
BFD remote-discriminator: 184549479
Referencing LSPs:
      SR-ERO hop count: 4

BFD name: V4-srte_bfd_session-4
BFD status: Up
BFD remote-discriminator: 501
Referencing LSPs:
      SR-ERO hop count: 4

show spring-traffic-engineering lsp detail name <name>

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show spring-traffic-engineering lsp detail name sr_plcy1
Name: sr_plcy1
Tunnel source: Static configuration
State: Up
  Path: sl1
Ingress tele1etry statistics:
  	Sensor-Name: i;st;0;f;sr_plcy1;sl1, Id: 3758096390
Transit tele1etry statistics:
  	Sensor-Name: t;st;0;f;sr_plcy1;sl1, Id: 3758096391
  Path: sl2
Ingress tele1etry statistics:
  	Sensor-Name: i;st;0;f;sr_plcy1;sl2, Id: 3758096390
Transit tele1etry statistics:
  	Sensor-Name: t;st;0;f;sr_plcy1;sl2, Id: 3758096391

show spring-traffic-engineering lsp name <name> detail (Static route over SR-TE tunnel)

The following output is generated when tunnel-tracking statement is configured at the [edit protocols source-packet-routing] hierarchy level.

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show spring-traffic-engineering lsp name static-lsp1 detail
Name: static-lsp1
Tunnel-source: Static configuration
State: Up
Path: Path1
Path Status: Up
Outgoing interface: NA
Auto-translate status: Disabled Auto-translate result: N/A
Compute Status:Disabled , Compute Result:N/A , Compute-Profile Name:N/A
BFD status: N/A BFD name: N/A
ERO Valid: true
SR-ERO hop count: 2
Hop 1 (Strict):
NAI: None
SID type: 20-bit label, Value: 801003
Hop 2 (Strict):
NAI: None
SID type: 20-bit label, Value: 801007
Path: Path2
Path Status: Up
Outgoing interface: NA
Auto-translate status: Disabled Auto-translate result: N/A
Compute Status:Disabled , Compute Result:N/A , Compute-Profile Name:N/A
BFD status: N/A BFD name: N/A
ERO Valid: true
SR-ERO hop count: 2
Hop 1 (Strict):
NAI: None
SID type: 20-bit label, Value: 801005
Hop 2 (Strict):
NAI: None
SID type: 20-bit label, Value: 801007

Total displayed LSPs: 1 (Up: 1, Down: 0)

The Path Status shows NA when tunnel-tracking statement is not configured.

show spring-traffic-engineering lsp color <value>

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show spring-traffic-engineering lsp color 111
To              State     LSPname<c>  Up        bgp-srte-<c>  Up        bgp-srte-<c>  Up        bgp-srte-

show spring-traffic-engineering lsp destination <address>

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show spring-traffic-engineering lsp destination
To              State     LSPname<c>  Up        bgp-srte-         Up        pcep-tunnel1

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 17.2.

sbfd option introduced in Junos OS Release 19.4R1 on all platforms.

color and destination options introduced in Junos OS 21.2R1.
