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show services user-identification active-directory-access domain-controller status



Display status information for the Active Directory domain controllers configured for the integrated user firewall feature.


  • domain name—(Optional) Display the status of the domain controllers for a specific domain.

  • node—(Optional) For chassis cluster configurations, display the status of the domain controllers for a specific node.

    • node-id—Identification number of the node. It can be 0 or 1.

    • all—Display information about all nodes.

    • local—Display information about the local node.

    • primary—Display information about the primary node.

  • brief | extensive—Display the specified level of output (the default is brief).

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show services user-identification active-directory-access domain-controller status command.

Table 1: show services user-identification active-directory-access domain-controller Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Domain controller

Domain controller name.


IP address of the domain controller.


Connection status of the domain controller: connected or disconnected.


Reason for a disconnected status: network issue, authentication failed, or host unreachable.

Sample Output

show services user-identification active-directory-access domain-controller status

Displays brief information for domain controllers in all configured domains.

Sample Output

show services user-identification active-directory-access domain-controller status brief domain

Sample Output

show services user-identification active-directory-access domain-controller status extensive domain

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1X47-D10.