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ping mpls segment routing static egress-ip

date_range 19-Nov-23


content_copy zoom_out_map
ping mpls segment-routing static egress-ip
<egress-ip (fec | count | destination | detail | exp | instance | logical-system | size | source | sweep) >
content_copy zoom_out_map
ping mpls segment-routing spring-te label-stack
<label-stack (count | destination | detail | egress | exp | labels | logical-system | nexthop-address | nexthop-interface | size | source | sweep) >


Use ping mpls segment-routing static to check the MPLS segment routing label-switched path (LSP) connections on the prpd programmed static routes. Type Ctrl+c to interrupt a ping mpls segment-routing static command.



Specify to ping PRPD-programmed labelled switched paths (LSP).


Specify to use the IP prefix/length of forwarding equivalence class.

count count

(Optional) Specify number of ping requests to send. If count is not specified, five ping requests are sent.

  • Range: 1 through 1000000

  • Default: 5


(Optional) Specify IP address of destination for echo request.


(Optional) Display detailed output.

exp exp

(Optional) Specify the class of service to use when sending probes.

  • Range: 0 through 7

instance routing-instance-name

(Optional) Allows you to ping a combination of the routing instance and forwarding equivalence class (FEC) associated with an LSP.

logical-system logical-system-name

(Optional) Specify the name of the logical system.

size bytes

(Optional) Size of the LSP ping request packet (88 through 65468 bytes). Packets are 4-byte aligned. For example, If you enter a size of 89, 90, 91, or 92, the router or switch uses a size value of 92 bytes. If you enter a packet size that is smaller than the minimum size, an error message displays reminding you of the 88-byte minimum.

source source-address

(Optional) IP address of the echo request (outgoing interface). This address is sent in the IP source address field of the ping request. If this option is not specified, the default address is usually the loopback interface (lo.0).


(Optional) Automatically determine the size of the maximum transmission unit (MTU).


Specify label stack for ping packets.

count count

(Optional) Specify number of ping requests to send. If count is not specified, five ping requests are sent.

  • Range: 1 through 1000000

  • Default: 5


(Optional) Specify IP address of destination for echo request.


(Optional) Display detailed output.


(Optional) Specify the egress IP address.


(Optional) Specify the forwarding class entry.

  • Range:0 through 7


Specify the labels in label stack.

  • Range: 16 through 1048575

logical-system logical-system-name

(Optional) Specify the name of the logical system.

nexthop-address address

Specify the nexthop IP address for the ping packet.

nexthop-interface interface

Specify the outgoing interface for the ping packet.

size bytes

(Optional) Size of the LSP ping request packet (88 through 65468 bytes). Packets are 4-byte aligned. For example, If you enter a size of 89, 90, 91, or 92, the router or switch uses a size value of 92 bytes. If you enter a packet size that is smaller than the minimum size, an error message is displayed reminding you of the 88-byte minimum.

source source-address

(Optional) IP address of the outgoing interface. This address is sent in the IP source address field of the ping request. If this option is not specified, the default address is usually the loopback interface (lo.0).


(Optional) Automatically determine the size of the maximum transmission unit (MTU).

Additional Information


NIL FEC validation is supported. The FEC validation for SWAN ping and traceroute command is not supported.


SWAN ping command takes label-stack, nexthop-address, and nexthop-interface as input will work only if all the three inputs are given by user in the label-stack command.


ping mpls segment-routing spring-te command with label-stack, nexthop-address and nexthop-interface as input will have vendor private tlv in mpls echo request only if egress-ip is provided by user.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

When you enter ping mpls segment-routing static command, you can see the feedback on the status of your request. An exclamation point (!) indicates that an echo reply. A period (.) indicates that an echo reply is not received within the timeout period. An x indicates that an echo reply with an error code. Packets with error codes are not counted in the received packets count. They are accounted separately.

Sample Output

ping mpls segment-routing static ?

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> ping mpls segment-routing static ?
Possible completions:      
  egress-ip                  To install IP address to use when sending probes

ping mpls segment-routing static egress-ip

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@router>ping mpls segment-routing static egress-ip ::
--- lsping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss

ping mpls segment-routing spring-te (label-stack)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host>ping mpls segment-routing spring-te label-stack labels 600040 nexthop-address nexthop-interface ge-0/0/2.0
Warning: License key missing; requires 'sr' license
--- lsping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 22.4R1.
