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show static-subscribers sessions

date_range 09-Dec-23


content_copy zoom_out_map
show static-subscribers sessions
<group group-name>
<interface interface-name>


Display information about the subscriber sessions for all static subscribers, all static subscribers on an interface group, or a single subscriber on an interface.



(Optional) Display session information for static subscribers on all interfaces in the specified group.


(Optional) Display session information for the static subscriber on the specified in the specified group.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show static-subscribers sessions command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show static-subscribers sessions Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output


Name of the interface.

None specified


State of the static subscriber session:

  • authenticating—Subscriber is being authenticated.

  • activating client—Client is being activated.

  • activating services—Subscriber services are being activated.

  • deactivating client—Client is being deactivated.

  • deactivating services—Subscriber services are being deactivated.

  • initializing—Process is initializing.

  • logged in—Subscriber is logged in to the interface.

  • logged out—Subscriber is logged out of the interface.

  • processing statistics—Session statistics are being processed.

  • terminating session—Subscriber session is being terminated.

None specified


Name of the interface group to which the interface belongs.

None specified

User Name

Username used for the static subscriber. Can be the interface name.

None specified

Sample Output

show static-subscribers sessions

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show static-subscribers sessions

Static subscriber information:
Interface         State                  Group            User Name
ge-9/1/0.1        logged out             SS1              ge-9-1-0.1            
ge-9/1/0.10       logged out             SS1              ge-9-1-0.10           
ge-9/1/0.100      logged out             SS1              ge-9-1-0.100          
ge-9/1/0.11       logged out             SS1              ge-9-1-0.11           
ge-9/1/0.12       logged out             SS1              ge-9-1-0.12           
ge-9/1/0.13       logged out             SS1              ge-9-1-0.13           
ge-9/1/0.14       logged out             SS1              ge-9-1-0.14           
ge-9/1/0.15       logged out             SS1              ge-9-1-0.15           
ge-9/1/0.16       logged out             SS1              ge-9-1-0.16           
ge-9/1/0.17       logged out             SS1              ge-9-1-0.17           
ge-9/1/0.18       logged out             SS1              ge-9-1-0.18           
ge-9/1/0.19       logged out             SS1              ge-9-1-0.19           
ge-9/1/0.2        logged out             SS1              ge-9-1-0.2            
ge-9/1/0.20       logged out             SS1              ge-9-1-0.20           
ge-9/1/0.21       logged out             SS1              ge-9-1-0.21           

show static-subscribers sessions group

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show static-subscribers sessions group boston

Interface         State                  Group            User Name 
ge-0/0/1.1        logged in              boston           ge-0/0/1.1
ge-0/0/1.2        logged in              boston           ge-0/0/1.2

show static-subscribers sessions interface

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show static-subscribers sessions interface ge-0/0/1.1

Interface         State                  Group            User Name 
ge-0/0/1.1        logged in              foo              ge-0/0/1.1

show static-subscribers sessions interface (Pseudowire Interface)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show static-subscribers sessions interface ps100.4040
Static subscriber information:
Interface         State                  Group            User Name
ps100.4040        logged in              foo    

show static-subscribers sessions group (Pseudowire Interface)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show static-subscribers sessions group grp-1
Static subscriber information:
Interface         State                  Group            User Name
ps100.4040        logged in              foo    
ps100.4041        logged in              foo    

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.6.
