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blocklists (Security IKE)

date_range 13-Dec-23


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    blocklists {
        blocklist-name {
            description text-description;
            rule rule-name {    
            match {
                    role (initiator | responder);
                    id-type (inet | inet6 | hostname | distinguished-name | user-at-hostname | key-id);
                    id-pattern value;
                then {
                    (discard | reject); 
                    backoff timeout-value;

Hierarchy Level

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[edit security ike]


Defines the remote peer IKE identity blocklist(s) configuration.

In the configuration hierarchy, you can configure different blocklists for blocking IKE IDs during IKE SA negotiation authentication phase. Once you configure the blockslists, you can use a blocklist in the corresponding IKE policy at the [edit security ike policy policy-name blocklist blocklist-name] hierarchy level.


blocklists blocklist-name

Specify the blocklist name.

  • Value: upto 32 characters

  • Max allowed: Upto 1000 blocklists

rule rule-name

Specify the rule name.

  • Value: upto 32 characters

  • Max allowed: Upto 1000 rules per blocklist

description text-description

(Optional) Specify the text description.


Match criteria.

id-type (inet | inet6 | hostname | distinguished-name | user-at-hostname | key-id)

Specify the remote peer IKE identity type with one of the following:

  • inet—Specify to use the IPv4 address.

  • inet6—Specify to use the IPv6 address.

  • hostname —Specify to use the hostname.

  • distinguished-name—Specify to use the distinguished name.

  • user-at-hostname—Specify to use the email address

  • key-id—Specify to use the Key ID

id-pattern <value>

Specify a valid remote peer IKE identity value based on the id-type selection. Use the standard regular expression for the value.

role (initiator|responder)

Specify the remote peer role as the initiator or the responder.

  • Default: initiator


Action for the match criteria.


Discard the peer connection immediately without sending back a response.


Discard the connection immediately and send back a failure response.

backoff timeout-value

(Optional) Discard the connection immediately and set a backoff timer. If you do not configure the option explicitly, the auth-phase-failure value option at the [edit security ike session half-open backoff-timeouts] hierarchy level, enables backoff action.

  • Value: Range is 1-180 seconds.

  • Default: 60 seconds

For other statements, see CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

blocklists statement introduced in Junos OS Release 23.4R1.
