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Junos CLI Reference
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tlv-select tlv-name;

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[edit protocols lldp],
[edit protocols lldp-med],
[edit protocols lldp interface interface-name],
[edit protocols lldp-med interface interface-name]


Select the type, length, and value (TLV) messages that should be advertised by Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) or LLDP Media Endpoint Discovery (LLDP-MED) protocol. LLDP-capable devices transmit information in type, length, and value (TLV) messages to neighbor devices. Device information can include information such as chassis and port identification and system name and system capabilities.

In multi-vendor networks, it might not be desirable to send TLV messages because they can contain sensitive information about a network device. You can configure LLDP or LLDP-MED to choose which non-mandatory TLV messages to advertise. (These mandatory TLVs are always advertised: chassis-id, port-id, and time-to-live.)

When you configure the tlv-select statement, you specify the TLVs that LLDP or LLDP-MED should advertise. All other non-mandatory TLVs are disabled. This is useful when you want to disable most, but not all, TLVs.

You can also disable TLVs using the tlv-filter statement. When you configure the tlv-filter statement, you specify the TLVs that should be disabled.


The tlv-select and tlv-filter statements are mutually exclusive and cannot be used on the same configuration stanza at the same time.


All TLVs for LLDP and LLDP-MED are enabled by default.



Specify the non-mandatory TLV message that you want to advertise.

  • Values: You can advertise the following TLV messages for LLDP:

    • jnpr-chassis-serial—The chassis serial number.

    • jnpr-vcp—Juniper virtual chassis port.

    • link-aggregation—Advertises whether the port is aggregated and its aggregated port ID.

    • mac-phy-config-status—Advertises information about the physical interface, such as autonegotiation status and support and MAU (medium attachment unit) type.

    • management-address— The IP management address of the local system.

    • maximum-frame-size—The maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the interface sending LLDP frames.

    • port-description—The user-configured port description.

    • port-vid—Indicates the port VLAN ID that will be associated with an untagged or priority tagged data frame received on the VLAN port.

    • power-vi-mdi—Advertises MDI (media dependent interface) power support, PSE (power sourcing equipment) power pair, and power class information.

    • system-capabilities—The primary function performed by the system. The capabilities that system supports are defined; for example, bridge or router. This information cannot be configured, but is based on the model of the product.

    • system-description—The user-configured name of the local system.

    • system-name—The user-configured name of the local system.

    • vlan-name—Indicates the assigned name of any VLAN at the device.

    You can advertise the following TLV messages for LLDP-MED:

    • ext-power-via-mdi—The power type, power source, power priority, and power value of the port. It is the responsibility of the PSE device (network connectivity device) to advertise the power priority on a port.

    • location-id—The physical location of the endpoint.

    • med-capabilities—The primary function of the port.

    • network-policy—The port VLAN configuration and associated Layer 2 and Layer 3 attributes. Attributes include the policy identifier, application types, such as voice or streaming video, 802.1Q VLAN tagging, and 802.1p priority bits and Diffserv code points.

Required Privilege Level

routing—To view this statement in the configuration.

routing-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 18.3.
