video-monitoring { interfaces { interface-name { family { inet { input-flows { input-flow-name { destination-address [ address ]; destination-port [ port ]; source-address [ address ]; source-port [ port ]; template template-name; } } output-flows { output-flow-name { destination-address [ address ]; destination-port [ port ]; source-address [ address ]; source-port [ port ]; template template-name; } } } inet6 { input-flows { input-flow-name { destination-address [ address ]; destination-port [ port ]; source-address [ address ]; source-port [ port ]; template template-name; } } output-flows { output-flow-name { destination-address [ address ]; destination-port [ port ]; source-address [ address ]; source-port [ port ]; template template-name; } } } mpls { input-flows { input-flow-name { (destination-address [ address ] | source-address [ address ]); destination-port [ port ]; payload-type (ipv4 | ipv6); source-port [ port ]; template template-name; } } output-flows { output-flow-name { (destination-address [ address ] | source-address [ address ]); destination-port [ port ]; payload-type (ipv4 | ipv6); source-port [ port ]; template template-name; } } } } } } templates { template-name { interval-duration interval-duration; inactive-timeout inactive-timeout; rate { (layer3 layer3-packets-per-second | media media-bits-per-second); } delay-factor { disable; threshold { (info | warning | critical) delay-factor-threshold; } } media-loss-rate { disable; threshold { (info | warning | critical) percentage mlr-percentage | packet-count mlr-packet-count); } } media-rate-variation { ; threshold { (info |warning | critical) mrv-variation; } } media-packets-count-in-layer3 media-packets-count-in-layer3; media-packet-size media-packet-size; } } }
Hierarchy Level
[edit services]
Define the options for video monitoring using media delivery index options for metrics.
The remaining statements are explained separately.
Required Privilege Level
interface—To view this statement in the configuration.
interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.
Release Information
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 14.1.