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Junos CLI Reference
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avg-flr-forward-threshold avg-flr-forward-threshold-value;{
flap-trap-monitor seconds; }

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Configure the threshold value for average frame loss ratio, in milli-percent, in the upstream or forward direction for Ethernet loss measurement (ETH-LM) and Ethernet synthetic loss measurement (ETH-SLM). When the configured threshold for average forward frame loss ratio is exceeded, an SNMP trap is generated for ETH-LM and ETH-SLM. SNMP traps are triggered if you configure either the average backward frame loss ratio threshold or the average forward frame loss ratio threshold. If you do not configure either the average backward frame loss ratio threshold or the average forward frame loss ratio threshold, no SNMP traps are generated. You can configure these threshold values with an SLA iterator for ETH-SLM and ETH-LM.

ETH-SLM is an application that enables the calculation of frame loss by using synthetic frames instead of data traffic. This mechanism can be considered as a statistical sample to approximate the frame loss ratio of data traffic.


avg-flr-forward-threshold-value—Threshold value for average frame loss ratio in the forward or upstream direction, in milli-percent, for ETH-SLM and ETH-LM.

  • Range: 1 through 100000 milli-percent

flap-trap-monitor seconds—Duration in seconds, for summarizing flap occurrences and send out a single jnxSoamPm ThresholdFlapAlarm notification to the network management system (NMS).

  • Range: 1 through 360 seconds

Required Privilege Level

configure—To enter configuration mode.

control—To modify any configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 15.1.

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