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Junos CLI Reference
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show system network (JDM)

date_range 19-Nov-23


show system network


Display the statistics information for physical interface, JDM interface, and interfaces per guest network function (GNF).

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 describes the output fields for the show system network command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show system network Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Physical Interfaces


Name of the physical interface.


Interface index.


The maximum transmission unit.


The physical interface hardware address.

Rcvd Bytes

The number of bytes received.

Rcvd Packets

The number of packets received.

Rcvd Error

The packets received with error.

Rcvd Drop

The packets dropped during reception.

Trxd Bytes

The number of bytes transmitted.

Trxd Packets

The number of packets transmitted.

Trxd Error

The packets transmitted with error.

Trxd Drop

The packets dropped during transmission.


Interface flags.

Per VNF Interface Statistics


List of the interfaces for each GNF.


Interface source.

MAC Address

The MAC address of the interface.

Rcvd Bytes

The number of bytes received.

Rcvd Packets

The number of packets received.

Rcvd Error

The packets received with error.

Rcvd Drop

The packets dropped during reception.

Trxd Bytes

The number of bytes transmitted.

Trxd Packets

The number of packets transmitted.

Trxd Error

The packets transmitted with error.

Trxd Drop

The packets dropped during transmission.

JDM Interface Statistics


Name of the JDM interface.


Interface index.


The maximum transmission unit.


The JDM interface hardware address.

Rcvd Bytes

The number of bytes received.

Rcvd Packets

The number of packets received.

Rcvd Error

The packets received with error.

Rcvd Drop

The packets dropped during reception.

Trxd Bytes

The number of bytes transmitted.

Trxd Packets

The number of packets transmitted.

Trxd Error

The packets transmitted with error.

Trxd Drop

The packets dropped during transmission.


Interface flags.

VNF MAC Address Pool

Start MAC Address

MAC address start value.


Available MAC address range.

Sample Output

show system network

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@jdm> show system network

Physical Interfaces
Name     Index MTU     Hardware-address  Rcvd Bytes   Rcvd Packets Rcvd Error Rcvd Drop Trxd Bytes   Trxd Packets Trxd Error Trxd Drop Flags
-------- ----- ------- ----------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- --------- ------------ ------------ ---------- --------- ------
enp3s0f1 4     1500    00:25:90:b5:75:51 8787662837   51975964     0          538926    40009223     407379       0          0         BMPRU
ens3f1   7     1500    3c:fd:fe:08:87:02 1019880532   16723722     0          11243028  19265494115  31971968     0          0         BMPRU
ens3f0   3     1500    3c:fd:fe:08:87:00 5951717054   81330473     0          11226877  139135292735 124708008    0          0         BMPRU
enp3s0f2 5     1500    00:25:90:b5:75:52 3343179197   40806691     0          461955    3449064446   12191724     0          0         BMRU

Per VNF Interface Statistics
Interface                  Source        MAC Address        Rcvd Bytes   Rcvd packets Rcvd Error Rcvd Drop Trxd bytes   Trxd Packets Trxd Error Trxd Drop
-------------------------- ------------- -----------------  ------------ ------------ ---------- --------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------
VNF name: test
macvtap0                   ens3f0        00:f1:60:3d:20:23  91526        1697         0          0         1254382      16782        0          0
macvtap1                   ens3f1        00:f1:60:3d:20:24  561558       3727         0          0         803396       12958        0          0
vnet1                      bridge_jdm_vm 00:f1:60:3d:20:25  2888         32           0          0         2282         25           0          0
macvtap2                   enp3s0f2      00:f1:60:3d:20:26  152563       1080         0          0         4472700      55664        0          0

JDM Interface Statistics
Name     Index MTU   Hardware-address  Rcvd Bytes   Rcvd Packets Rcvd Error Rcvd Drop Trxd Bytes   Trxd Packets Trxd Error Trxd Drop Flags
-------- ----- ----- ----------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- --------- ------------ ------------ ---------- --------- ------
bme1     1433  1500  52:54:00:21:20:2e 502730       4506         0          0         477328       2619         0          0         BMRU
jmgmt0   1439  1500  00:f1:60:3d:20:22 4991675      66429        0          2862      100548       891          0          0         BMRU
bme2     1435  1500  52:54:00:88:b5:dd 2930         33           0          0         3466         39           0          0         ABMRU
cb0.4002 2     1500  00:f1:60:3d:20:20 12204921     209269       0          0         3688591023   195579       0          0         ABMRU
cb1.4002 3     1500  00:f1:60:3d:20:21 161850       3026         0          0         204784       3029         0          0         ABMRU


Starting in Junos OS Release 19.2R1, the show system network output does not display information related to MAC address pool. For MAC address information use the command show system mac-addresses.

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 17.4R1.
