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Junos CLI Reference
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bmp {
    authentication-algorithm algorithm;
    authentication-key key;
    authentication-key-chain authentication-key-chain;
    connection-mode (active | passive);
    hold-down {
        flaps flaps;
        period seconds;
    initiation-message text;
    local-address address;
    local-port port;
    max-loc-rib-buffer-count count;
    monitor (disable | enable);
    priority (high | low | medium);
    route-monitoring {
        post-policy {
        pre-policy {
        rib-out {
    routing-instance routing-instance-name;
    station station-name {
        authentication-algorithm algorithm;
        authentication-key key;
        authentication-key-chain authentication-key-chain;
        connection-mode (active | passive);
        hold-down {
            flaps flaps;
            period seconds;
        initiation-message text;
        local-address address;
        local-port port;
        max-loc-rib-buffer-count count;
        monitor (disable | enable);
        priority (high | low | medium);
        routing-instance routing-instance-name;
        route-monitoring {
            post-policy {
            pre-policy {
            rib-out {
        station-address (ip-address | name);
        station-port port-number;
        statistics-timeout seconds;
        traceoptions {
            file filename <files number> <size size> <world-readable | no-world-readable>;
            flag flag <flag-modifier>;
    station-address (ip-address | name);
    station-port port-number;
    statistics-timeout seconds;
    traceoptions {
        file filename <files number> <size size> <world-readable | no-world-readable>;
        flag flag <flag-modifier>;

Hierarchy Level

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[edit routing-options],
[edit logical-systems logical-system-name routing-options],
[edit logical-systems logical-system-name protocols bgp],
[edit logical-systems logical-system-name protocols bgp group group-name],
[edit logical-systems logical-system-name protocols bgp group group-name neighbor address],
[edit protocols bgp],
[edit protocols bgp group group-name],
[edit protocols bgp group group-name neighbor address]

1. Complete BMP configuration, as mentioned in the syntax, can be done under the first two hierarchy levels only

2. Under other hierarchy levels, only the following configurations are supported:

  • Either we can inherit or not inherit the configuration data

  • Enable/disable monitoring

  • Control route monitoring settings


Configure the BGP Monitoring Protocol (BMP), which enables the routing device to collect data from the BGP Adjacency-RIB-In routing tables and periodically send that data to a monitoring station. The Adjacency-RIB-In tables are the pre-policy tables, meaning that the routes in these tables have not been filtered or modified by routing policies.

BGP Monitoring Protocol (BMP) allows the Junos OS to send the BGP route information from the router to a monitoring application on a separate device. The monitoring application is called the BMP monitoring station or BMP station. To deploy BMP in your network, you need to configure BMP on each router and you also need to configure at least one BMP station.


When BMP is configured at multiple hierarchy levels, the order of preference from highest to lowest is as follows:

  1. [edit protocols bgp group group-name neighbor address bmp]

  2. [edit protocols bgp group group-name bmp]

  3. [edit protocols bgp bmp]

  4. [edit routing-optionsbmp station station-name]

  5. [edit routing-options bmp]

For example, if BMP is configured at both [edit routing-options bmp] and [edit protocols bgp bmp] hierarchy levels, the configuration at the protocols BGP level takes precedence over the routing options configuration.


authentication-algorithm algorithm

Configure an authentication algorithm.

  • Values: Specify one of the following types of authentication algorithms:

    • aes-128-cmac-96—Cipher-based message authentication code (AES128, 96 bits).

    • hmac-sha-1-96—Hash-based message authentication code (SHA1, 96 bits).

    • md5—Message digest 5.

  • Default: hmac-sha-1-96


    The default is not displayed in the output of the show bgp bmp command unless a key or key-chain is also configured.

authentication-key key

Configure an MD5 authentication key (password), which can be up to 126 characters. Characters can include any ASCII strings. If you include spaces, enclose all characters in quotation marks (“ ”). Neighboring routing devices use the same password to verify the authenticity of BMP packets sent from this system.

authentication-key-chain key-chain

Apply and enable an authentication key chain to the routing device, which can be up to 126 characters. Characters can include any ASCII strings. If you include spaces, enclose all characters in quotation marks (“ ”).


You must also configure an authentication algorithm by including the authentication-algorithm algorithm statement.

Note that the referenced key chain must be defined. When configuring the authentication key update feature for BGP, you cannot commit the statement with authentication keys or key chains. The CLI issues a warning and fails to commit the configuration.

connection-mode (active | passive)

Specify whether the BMP station connection is active or passive. If you configure the connection-mode statement as active, do not also configure the local-port statement. If you configure the connection-mode statement as passive, you must configure the local-port statement.

If the connection-mode statement is configured as active, a station port number is required. If the connection-mode statement is configured as passive, you must not configure a station port number.

  • Values: Specify one of the following:

    • active—BMP initiates the connection to the BMP station.

    • passive—BMP does not initiate a connection to the BMP station. However, it does listen for a connection request from active BMP stations and will connect if a station is available.

initiation-message text

(Optional) Specify a character string for a type 0 TLV to send to the BMP station with the initiation message. The message is transmitted when a BMP station establishes a connection to the device. You can provide some information to the BMP station system administrator (for example, a contact phone number). The initiation message includes a type 1 TLV containing the SNMP sysDescr value specified in RFC 1213 Management Information Base for Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets: MIB-II and a type 2 TLV containing the SNMP sysName value also from RFC 1213. The string in the initiation-message message is UTF-8.

The normal time for sending an initiation message is when the BMP session is first established. However, an initiation message change also triggers the transmission of an initiation message to current BMP sessions.

Another event that triggers the transmission of an initiation message is when you change in the sysName or sysDescr values in the SNMP configuration. The initiation message is sent to current BMP sessions.

  • Range: 1 through 255 characters


(Optional) Configure this option to collect time series data. Note that collection of time series data uses additional memory resources. Disable this option to free the memory used to store the time series data.

  • Default: in-memory-profiling is disabled by default to ensure efficient memory utilization.


(Optional) Enable this option to store BMP advertisement state for rib-out monitoring. Note that this option can use up valuable resources. Disable this option to free the memory used to store BMP advertisement state. We recommend toggling the BMP session after changing deleting this option to have a cosistent view for all prefixes advertised to the station..

  • Default: keep-advertisement-state is disabled by default to ensure efficient memory utilization.

local-address address

(Optional) Specifies the IPv4 or IPv6 address for the BMP connection on the device. We recommend that you configure a local address. For both active and passive connection modes, configure a loopback local address. This provides a consistent local endpoint, is useful for debugging, and assures greater reliability for the BMP connection since it is not tied to a single router interface.

For passive mode, specifying a local address is required. It also provides some security against a malicious BMP connection. For active mode, we also recommend configuring a local address to help ensure reliability.

If you change the local address, the BMP station connection flaps when you commit the configuration.

local-port port

Specify the listening port for the BMP station connection.

If you configure the connection-mode statement as active, do not configure the local-port statement. If you configure the connection-mode statement as passive, you must configure local-port statement.

If you change the local port, the BMP station connection flaps when you commit the configuration.

  • Range: 1 through 65,535

max-loc-rib-buffer-count count

Specify the maximum number of local-rib outstanding buffers before blocking.

  • Range: 1 through 50

monitor (enable | disable)

(Optional) Explicitly enable or disable BMP monitoring of BGP peers. You can also selectively enable or disable BMP monitoring at various hierarchy levels (for example, [edit protocols bgp group group-name] or [edit protocols bgp group group-name neighbor address]). If you disable BMP monitoring, withdrawal messages are sent for any previously advertised routes. These are followed by a down message. If you enable BMP monitoring, an up message is sent first and then the route advertisements follow.

  • Default: BMP monitoring is enabled by default.

  • Values: Specify one of the following:

    • disable—Disable BMP monitoring.

    • enable—Enable BMP monitoring.

priority (high | medium | low)

(Optional) Specify the dispatch priority for BMP. The dispatch priority controls the frequency with which the device is able to forward BMP messages to BMP stations.


Specifying high or medium priority may reduce the performance of the routing protocol process in its handling of route convergence or other work.

  • Default: The default dispatch priority is low, to minimize interference with other routing protocol process priorities and to match the behavior of previous versions of BMP.

  • Values: Specify one of the following:

    • high—The routing protocol process handles BMP requests with high urgency.

    • medium—The routing protocol process handles BMP requests with medium urgency.

    • low—The routing protocol process handles BMP requests with low urgency.

routing-instance routing-instance-name

Specify the name of the routing instance you want the BGP Monitoring Protocol (BMP) to use. This can be any routing instance name. If you want to use the reserved non-default management routing instance mgmt_junos, make sure you configure the management-instance statement.

When routing-instance is configured at both hierarchy levels— [edit routing-options bmp station station-name] and [edit routing-options bmp]— the configuration at the [edit routing-options bmp station station-name] hierarchy level takes precedence.


You must also configure the routing instance you want to use under the [edit routing-instances] hierarchy level.

  • Values:

    • default—Default routing instance

    • routing-instance-name—Name of the routing instance

station station-name

(Required) Specify a name for the BMP monitoring station. Each station can use a significant amount of a device’s resources. You can configure up to three BMP monitoring stations.

station-address (address | station-name

Specify the address or name for the BMP monitoring station. You can specify one or the other but not both.

  • Values: Specify one of the following:

    • station-address—Specify the address for the BMP station. The address should be a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address.

    • station-name—Specify the name for the BMP station.

station-port port

Specify the port number for the BMP monitoring station. If the connection-mode statement is configured as active, a station port number is required. If the connection-mode statement is configured as passive, you must not configure a station port number.

  • Range: 1 though 65535

statistics-timeout seconds

(Optional) Specify how often statistics messages are sent to the BMP monitoring station. If you configure a value of 0, no statistics messages are sent.

  • Default: 3600 seconds

  • Range: 15 though 65535 seconds

The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer or click a linked statement in the Syntax section for details.

Required Privilege Level

routing—To view this statement in the configuration.

routing-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.5.

Statement introduced for BMP in Junos OS Release 13.2X51-D15 for the QFX Series.

Support for BMP version 3 introduced in Junos OS Release 13.3.

initiation-message, local-address, local-port, monitor, priority, route-monitoring, station, station-address, station-port, and statistics-timeout options introduced in Junos OS Release 13.3.

routing-instance option introduced in Junos OS Release 18.3R1.

rib-out option introduced in Junos OS Release 19.1R1.

loc-rib option introduced in Junos OS Release 19.2R1.

in-memory-profiling and keep-advertisement-state options introduced in Junos OS Release 24.2R1.
