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request system scripts synchronize



This command is for devices with multiple Routing Engines only. Synchronize scripts from the requesting Routing Engine to the other Routing Engine.

Specify all to synchronize all scripts present on the requesting Routing Engine to the responding Routing Engine. Specify commit, event, jet, lib, op, or snmp to synchronize all scripts of the given type to the other Routing Engine. Include the file option or the newer-than option to narrow the scope to only synchronize scripts with the specified filename or date criteria.

If the load-scripts-from-flash statement is configured for the requesting Routing Engine, the device synchronizes the scripts that are in flash memory. Otherwise, the device synchronizes the scripts that are on the hard disk. If the load-scripts-from-flash statement is configured for the responding Routing Engine, the scripts are synchronized to flash memory. Otherwise, the scripts are synchronized to the hard disk. The device synchronizes a script regardless of whether it is enabled in the configuration.

The Junos XML management protocol equivalent for this operational mode command is:


(all | commit | event | jet | lib | op | snmp)

Synchronize all scripts or all scripts of a given type that are present on the requesting Routing Engine to the responding Routing Engine.

file filename

(Optional) Synchronize an individual script with the specified filename from the requesting Routing Engine to the responding Routing Engine. This option can only be used with a specific script type.

newer-than YYYY-MM-DD.HH:MM:SS

(Optional) Synchronize scripts that are more current than the specified date and time from the requesting Routing Engine to the responding Routing Engine.

Required Privilege Level


Sample Output

request system scripts synchronize all

The following command synchronizes all scripts from the requesting Routing Engine to the responding Routing Engine.

request system scripts synchronize commit file

The following command synchronizes the commit script vpn-commit.slax from the requesting Routing Engine to the responding Routing Engine. In this case, the script does not exist on the requesting Routing Engine, and the device issues an error message.

request system scripts synchronize event file

The following command synchronizes the event script ospf-neighbor.slax from the requesting Routing Engine to the responding Routing Engine. In this case, the responding Routing Engine does not have the resources to perform the operation, and the device issues an error message.

request system scripts synchronize op newer-than

The following command synchronizes any op scripts that have been modified after the specified date. In this case, no op scripts meet this requirement.

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 13.2.