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Junos CLI Reference
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date_range 17-Apr-24


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duplicate-mac-detection {
    action(block | shutdown);
    auto-recovery-time minutes;
    detection-threshold detection-threshold;
    detection-window seconds;

Hierarchy Level

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[edit logical-systems  logical-systems-name protocols evpn],
[edit logical-systems logical-systems-name routing-instances  routing-instance-name protocols evpn],
[edit protocols evpn]
[edit routing-instances  routing-instance-name protocols evpn],


Configure duplicate MAC address detection settings. You can configure a threshold for MAC address mobility events and the window for detecting the number of MAC address mobility events. In addition, you can configure the optional recovery time that the Juniper Networks device waits before the duplicate MAC address is unsuppressed.

Prevent loops at the forwarding plane. You can block a duplicate MAC address or shut down the duplicate MAC address's local interfaces. After you block a duplicate MAC address, you can clear it. After you shut down the interface, you can recover it.



Block the duplicate MAC address. You can also shut down the duplicate MAC address's corresponding local interface.

  • block—When the device detects a duplicate MAC address, the device blocks the duplicate MAC address. If you have enabled the auto-recovery-time statement, the auto-recovery timer starts. While the timer's running, any duplicate MAC addresses are blocked. When the auto-recovery timer stops, the system clears the duplicate MAC addresses. Alternatively, you can issue the clear evpn duplicate-mac-suppression <instance name | l2-domain-id | mac-address> command to manually clear the duplicate MAC addresses.

  • shutdown—When the device detects a duplicate MAC address, the device shuts down the local interface. If you enable the recovery-timeoutstatement--for example, set interfaces et-0/0/0 unit 0 family ethernet-switching recovery-timeout 10--the auto-recovery timer starts. When the auto-recovery timer stops, the interface is recovered. Alternatively, you can issue the clear ethernet-switching recovery-timeout command to manually recover the interface that was shut down.


The length of time a device suppresses a duplicate MAC address. At the end of this interval, MAC address updates will resume. When an auto recovery time is not specified, duplicate MAC address updates will continue to be suppressed. To manually clear the suppression of duplicate MAC address, use the clear evpn duplicate-mac-suppression command.

  • Range: 1-360 minutes


Both this statement and the detection-window statement help detect if the MAC address is a duplicate address. A certain number of MAC mobility events need to be detected before a MAC address before it is identified as a duplicate MAC address. Once the threshold is reached, updates for this MAC address are suppressed.

  • Default: 5

  • Range: 2-20


Both this statement and the detection-threshold statement help detect if the MAC address is a duplicate address based on the time interval used in detecting a duplicate MAC address. When the number of MAC mobility events for a MAC address exceeds the detection-threshold within the detection window, the MAC address is identified as a duplicate MAC address.

  • Default: 180 seconds

  • Range: 5-600 seconds


Track local MAC address mobility movements.


To ensure that the mobility advertisements have sufficient time to age out, set an auto-recovery-time greater than the detection window.

Required Privilege Level


Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 17.4R1.
