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show pim snooping statistics



Display Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) snooping statistics.



Display PIM statistics.

instance instance-name

(Optional) Display statistics for a specific routing instance enabled by Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) snooping.

interface interface-name

(Optional) Display statistics about the specified interface for PIM snooping.

logical-system logical-system-name

(Optional) Display information about a particular logical system, or type ’all’.

vlan-id vlan-identifier

(Optional) Display PIM snooping statistics information for the specified VLAN.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show pim snooping statistics command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show pim snooping statistics Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output


Routing instance for PIM snooping.

All levels


Learning domain for PIM snooping.

All levels

Tx J/P messages

Total number of transmitted join/prune packets.

All levels

RX J/P messages

Total number of received join/prune packets.

All levels

Rx J/P messages -- seen

Number of join/prune packets seen but not received on the upstream interface.

All levels

Rx J/P messages -- received

Number of join/prune packets received on the downstream interface.

All levels

Rx Hello messages

Total number of received hello packets.

All levels

Rx Version Unknown

Number of packets received with an unknown version number.

All levels

Rx Neighbor Unknown

Number of packets received from an unknown neighbor.

All levels

Rx Upstream Neighbor Unknown

Number of packets received with unknown upstream neighbor information.

All levels

Rx Bad Length

Number of packets received containing incorrect length information.

All levels

Rx J/P Busy Drop

Number of join/prune packets dropped while the router is busy.

All levels

Rx J/P Group Aggregate 0

Number of join/prune packets received containing the aggregate group information.

All levels

Rx Malformed Packet

Number of malformed packets received.

All levels

Rx No PIM Interface

Number of packets received without the interface information.

All levels

Rx No Upstream Neighbor

Number of packets received without upstream neighbor information.

All levels

Rx Unknown Hello Option

Number of hello packets received with unknown options.

All levels

Sample Output

show pim snooping statistics

show pim snooping statistics instance

show pim snooping statistics interface

show pim snooping statistics vlan-id

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.3.