l2tp { access-line-information <connection-speed-update>; destination { address ip-address { access-line-information <connection-speed-update>; drain; routing-instance routing-instance-name { drain; } } lockout-timeout seconds; name destination-name { drain; } } destination-equal-load-balancing; destruct-timeout seconds; disable-calling-number-avp; disable-failover-protocol; drain; enable-ipv6-services-for-lac; enable-snmp-tunnel-statistics; failover-within-preference; ip-reassembly; maximum-sessions number; rx-connect-speed-when-equal; sessions-limit-group limit-group-name { maximum-sessions number; } traceoptions { debug-level level; file filename <files number> <match regular-expression > <size maximum-file-size> <world-readable | no-world-readable>; filter { protocol name; user user@domain; user-name username; } flag flag; interfaces interface-name { debug-level severity; flag flag; } level (all | error | info | notice | verbose | warning); no-remote-trace; } tunnel { assignment-id-format (assignment-id | client-server-id); failover-resync (failover-protocol | silent-failover); idle-timeout seconds; maximum-sessions number; minimum-retransmission-timeout; name name { address ip-address { drain; routing-instance routing-instance-name { drain; } } drain; } nas-port-method; retransmission-count-established count; retransmission-count-not-established count; rx-window-size packets; tx-address-change (accept | ignore | ignore-ip-address | ignore-udp-port | reject | reject-ip-address | reject-udp-port); } tunnel-group group-name { aaa-access-profile profile-name; dynamic-profile profile-name; hello-interval seconds; hide-avps; l2tp-access-profile profile-name; local-gateway { address address; gateway-name gateway-name; } maximum-send-window packets; maximum-sessions number; ppp-access-profile profile-name; receive-window packets; retransmit-interval seconds; service-device-pool pool-name; service-interface interface-name; service-profile profile-name(parameter)&profile-name; syslog { host hostname { facility-override facility-name; log-prefix prefix-value; services severity-level; } } tos-reflect; tunnel-switch-profile profile-name; tunnel-timeout seconds; } tunnel-switch-profile profile-name; tx-connect-speed-method method; weighted-load-balancing; }
Hierarchy Level
[edit services]
Configure L2TP services to establish PPP tunnels across a network.
L2TP is not supported over GRE tunnels.
The remaining statements are explained separately. Search for a statement in CLI Explorer or click a linked statement in the Syntax section for details.
Subordinate statement support depends on the platform. See individual statement topics for more detailed support information.
Required Privilege Level
interface—To view this statement in the configuration.
interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.
Release Information
Statement introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.
Support for LAC on MX Series routers introduced in Junos OS Release 10.4.
Support for LNS on MX Series routers introduced in Junos OS Release 11.4.