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Hierarchy Level


Specify an SRv6 prefix that defines a micro SID block. Configure micro SID block parameters such as global and local micro SIDs. In segment routing domain, a global micro SID. identifies a shortest-path to a node. A local micro SID identifies a cross connect to a direct neighbor over a specific interface.


Specify a block name.


Specify a block prefix IPv6 address for segment routing. Default block-length is 32 bits, block-length of 32 only is allowed on the ACX Series.


(Optional) Specify the size of global micro SIDs.Global SIDs are static by default. Configure the global micro SID block range parameters such as the micro SID length. The length of a micro SID is 16 by default.

  • maximum-sids : Specify the maximum number of SIDs used for global block

    • Range: 0 through 65536

    • Default: 57343

  • maximum-static-sids: Specify the maximum number of static SIDs used for a global block (0..65536). Note that currently we do not support dynamic global micro SIDS.

    • Range: 0 through 65536

    • Default: If you do not configure the maximum static SIDs, then maximum-sids value is used.


(Optional) the local micro SID block range parameters.

  • maximum-static-sids: Specify the size of the local micro SID block.

  • Default: 0

The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

routing—To view this statement in the configuration.

routing-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Evolved Release 23.2R1 and Junos OS 23.4R1.