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outputs (Analytics)


Hierarchy Level


Configure parameters for the Network Telemetry Framework (NTF) agent output plug-in.


When you modify the output plug-in configuration of a service agent instance, the associated service agent daemon is restarted.


file parameters

Configure parameters for sending data in a log file to a data collector.

path pathname

Path for the log file to which to save the data. For example, path /tmp/example_file.log

kafka parameters

Configure parameters for sending data to a Kafka data collector.

server ip-address

IP address of the Kafka server.

topic filename

Kafka topic name. The naming convention of the topic is server-name.jti.encoding-type. The encoding type options are avro, json, or msgpack.

encoding encoding-type

Encoding type. Options are avro, json, or msgpack.

output-ipfix parameters

Configure parameters for the IPFIX mediation service agent to send the IPFIX records that have been consolidated on the router to the IPFIX collector.

You must configure the IP address of the upstream IPFIX collector. When you optionally configure at least one of the collector certificate options (collector-ca-certificate, collector-certificate, and collector-certificate-key), the IPFIX mediator attempts to use TLS to connect with the collector. Otherwise, the mediator uses a TCP connection.


Any change you make to an existing output-ipfix output plug-in configuration restarts the IPFIX service agent daemon to apply the changes.

collector-address ip-address

IP address of the upstream IPFIX collector.

collector-ca-certificate file-path

(Optional) Path for the certificate, provided by a trusted certificate authority (CA), that is used to sign the peer certificate at the peer (IPFIX collector) level. The certificate is expected to be in .pem container format.

collector-certificate file-path

(Optional) Path for the client certificate that the server (IPFIX collector) uses to authenticate the client and enable mutual authentication. The fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of both the client and the server are stored in the certificate’s Subject Alternative Name field when the client and server certificates are generated. The certificate is expected to be in .pem container format.

collector-certificate-key file-path

(Optional) Private key file that is loaded to decrypt the encrypted message sent from the peer.

collector-connection-retry-interval seconds

(Optional) Interval in seconds at which the output plug-in retries connecting to the IPFIX collector.

  • Range: 1 through 25

  • Default: 20

collector-tcp-port port-number

(Optional) Number of the TCP port used to connect to the IPFIX collector.

  • Default: 4740

collector-vrf-name vrf-name

(Optional) Name of the VRF (routing instance) in which IPFIX packets are routed.

  • Default: default

Required Privilege Level


Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 18.3R1.

kafka and file options added in Junos OS Release 18.4R1 on MX Series and PTX Series routers.