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show diameter function statistics

date_range 19-Nov-23


content_copy zoom_out_map
show diameter function statistics
<brief | detail | summary>


Display statistics about all functions associated with Diameter instances or only the specified function.


brief | detail | summary

(Optional) Display the specified level of output. The summary output is displayed by default and includes basic function statistics. The brief output displays the summary information in a different format and adds numbers accumulated since the Diameter node was started. The detail output adds information to the brief output.


(Optional) Display information for only the specified function. Gx-Plus, JSRC, and packet-triggered-subscribers are supported functions. When you specify a function, the brief output is displayed by default, even when you explicitly specify summary.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show diameter function statistics command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show diameter function statistics Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output


Name of the function for which information is displayed.

All levels

Delivered Requests

Number of requests delivered by Diameter to the application.

All levels

Delivered Answers

Number of answers delivered by Diameter to the application.

All levels

Delivered Messages

Total number of messages delivered by Diameter to the application.

All levels

Forwarded Requests

Number of requests sent by Diameter to the network.

All levels

Forwarded Answers

Number of answers sent by Diameter to the network.

All levels

Forwarded Messages

Number of messages sent by Diameter to the network.

All levels

Function name

Name of the function for which information is displayed.

All levels

Over-limit network requests

Number of requests sent to Diameter peers that exceeded the limit on the network transmit queue.


Over-limit network answers

Number of answers sent to Diameter peers that exceeded the limit on the network transmit queue.


Over-limit network messages

Total number of messages sent to Diameter peers that exceeded the limit on the network transmit queue.


Failed to deliver requests

Number of requests sent by Diameter to its application that were not successfully delivered.


Failed to deliver answers

Number of answers sent by Diameter to its application that were not successfully delivered.


Failed to deliver messages

Total number of messages sent by Diameter to its application that were not successfully delivered.


Over-limit function requests

Number of requests sent to Diameter peers that exceeded the limit on the function transmit queue.


Over-limit function answers

Number of answers sent to Diameter peers that exceeded the limit on the function transmit queue.


Over-limit function messages

Total number of messages sent to Diameter peers that exceeded the limit on the function transmit queue.


Failed to forward requests

Number of requests that were not successfully sent by Diameter to the network.


Failed to forward answers

Number of answers that were not successfully sent by Diameter to the network.


Failed to forward messages

Total number of messages that were not successfully sent by Diameter to the network.


Sample Output

show diameter function statistics

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show diameter function statistics
Diameter function statistics:
           Delivered Delivered Delivered Forwarded Forwarded Forwarded
  Function Requests  Answers   Messages  Requests  Answers   Messages
  jsrc             0         0         0         0         0         0

show diameter function statistics brief

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show diameter function statistics brief

Diameter function statistics:
  Function name                : jsrc                                               
  Delivered requests           :         0         0
  Delivered answers            :         0         0
  Delivered messages           :         0         0
  Forwarded requests           :         0         0
  Forwarded answers            :         0         0
  Forwarded messages           :         0         0

show diameter function statistics detail

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show diameter function statistics detail

Diameter function statistics:
  Function name                : jsrc                                               
  Delivered requests           :         0         0
  Delivered answers            :         0         0
  Delivered messages           :         0         0
  Forwarded requests           :         0         0
  Forwarded answers            :         0         0
  Forwarded messages           :         0         0
  Over-limit network requests  :         0         0
  Over-limit network answers   :         0         0
  Over-limit network messages  :         0         0
  Failed to deliver requests   :         0         0
  Failed to deliver answers    :         0         0
  Failed to deliver messages   :         0         0
  Over-limit function requests :         0         0
  Over-limit function answers  :         0         0
  Over-limit function messages :         0         0
  Failed to forward requests   :         0         0
  Failed to forward answers    :         0         0
  Failed to forward messages   :         0         0

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.6.

Support for PTSP introduced in Junos OS Release 10.2.

Support for Gx-Plus introduced in Junos OS Release 11.2.

Support for PTSP discontinued in Junos OS Release 13.1.
