show evpn mac-table
show evpn mac-table
<brief |count | detail | extensive | summary>
<instance instance-name>
<interface interface-name>
<isid <isid>>
<logical-system <logical-system-name>>
<vlan-id vlan-id>
Show Ethernet VPN (EVPN) MAC table information.
none |
Display brief information about the EVPN MAC table. |
age | (Optional) Display age of a single mac-address. |
address |
(Optional) Display MAC table information for the specified MAC address. |
brief | count | detail |extensive | summary |
(Optional) Display the specified level of output. |
instance instance-name |
(Optional) Display MAC table information for a specific routing instance. |
isid <isid> |
(Optional) Display MAC table information for the specified ISID or all ISIDs. |
logical-system <logical-system-name> |
(Optional) Display MAC table information for the specified logical system or all logical systems. |
vlan-id vlan-id |
(Optional) Display MAC table information for the specified VLAN. |
Required Privilege Level
Release Information
Command introduced in Junos OS Release 14.2.