drop (Security SCTP)
drop { m3ua-service { isup; sccp; tup; } payload-protocol { id; all; asap; bicc; ddp-segment; ddp-stream; diameter-dtls; diameter-sctp; dua; enrp; h248; h323; iua; m2pa; m2ua; m3ua; qipc; reserved; s1ap; simco; sua; tali; v5ua; x2ap; } }
Hierarchy Level
[edit security sctp profile profile-name]
Configure the drop SCTP message types to display information about the configuration of the current Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) inspection.
From Junos OS Release 20.4R1 onwards, the [edit security gprs sctp profile
hierarchy level is replaced by
[edit security sctp profile
m3ua-services—M3UA data service indicator. The following values are supported:
isup—ISDN Upper Part.
sccp—Signaling Connection Control Part.
tup—Telephone User Part.
payload-protocol—SCTP payload protocol identifier. The following values are supported:
id—Specify payload protocol ID.
all—All SCTP payload protocol identifiers (id:0~63).
asap—Aggregate Server Access Protocol.
bicc—Bearer Independent Call Control.
ddp-segement—Direct Data Placement Segment chunk.
ddp-stream—Direct Data Placement Stream session control.
diameter-dtls—Diameter in a DTLS/SCTP DATA chunk.
diameter-sctp—Diameter in a SCTP DATA chunk.
dua—DPNSS/DASS 2 extensions to IUA Protocol.
enrp—Endpoint Handlespace Redundancy Protocol.
h248—H.248 Protocol.
h323—H.323 Protocol.
iua—ISDN User Adaptation Layer.
m2pa—MTP2 User Peer-to-Peer Adaption Layer.
m2ua—MTP2 User Adaption Layer.
m3ua—MTP3 User Adaption Layer.
reserved—Reserved by SCTP.
s1ap—S1 Application Protocol (S1AP).
simco—Simple Middlebox Configuration.
sua—SCCP User Adaption Layer.
tali—Transport Adapter Layer Interface.
v5ua—v5.2 User Adaption Layer.
x2ap—X2 Application Protocol (X2AP).
Required Privilege Level
security—To view this statement in the configuration.
security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.
Release Information
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release
10.2. Support for the payload-protocol
statement was modified
n Junos OS Release 12.1X46-D10.