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Junos CLI Reference
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show system resource-monitor

date_range 11-Jul-24


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show system resource-monitor ( fpc | summary )
<slot slot-number>


Display the utilization of memory resources on the Packet Forwarding Engines for all FPCs or a specific FPC. The filter memory denotes the filter counter memory used for firewall filter counters. The asterisk (*) displayed next to each of the memory regions denotes the ones for which the configured threshold is being currently exceeded.


slot slot-number

Display the Junos OS utilization information of memory resources for the specified slot number in which the FPC (or MPC) is installed.


On the MX80 router, the MPCs are built into the chassis and are represented in the CLI as either FPC 0 or FPC 1. This command supports only FPC 1 for the MX80 router.

Additional Information

The filter memory denotes the filter counter memory used for firewall filter counters. From the Ukern perspective, MPC5E contains only one Packet Forwarding Engine instance. The show chassis fabric plane command output displays the state of fabric plane connections to the Packet Forwarding Engine. Because two Packet Forwarding Engines exist, you notice PFE-0 and PFE-1 in the output.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show system resource-monitor fpc command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show system resource-monitor fpc Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Free Heap Memory Watermark

Configured watermark value for the percentage of free memory space used for ukernel or heap memory to be monitored

Free FW Memory Watermark

Configured watermark value for the percentage of free memory space used for firewall or filter memory to be monitored

Free NH Memory Watermark

Configured watermark value for the percentage of free memory space used for next-hop memory to be monitored

* - watermark reached

An asterisk (*) displayed beside any of the memory regions denotes the memory types for which the configured threshold is being currently exceeded.

Slot #

Slot number in which the line card is installed


Number or identifier of the Packet Forwarding Engine in the specified line card slot

Heap % free

Percentage of free space associated with heap or ukernel memory

Encap mem % free

Percentage of free space associated with encapsulation memory

NH mem % free

Percentage of free space associated with next-hop memory

Filter / FW mem % free

Percentage of free space associated with firewall or filter memory

Sample Output

show system resource-monitor fpc (All Slots)

content_copy zoom_out_map
show system resource-monitor fpc
FPC Resource Usage Summary

Free Heap Mem Watermark         : 20  %
Free NH Mem Watermark           : 20  %
Free Filter Mem Watermark       : 20  %       

* - Watermark reached

Slot #         % Heap Free        RTT      Average RTT
     0             89                103     102(30)

                 PFE #      % ENCAP mem Free      % NH mem Free      % FW mem Free         
                    0              NA                 78                 99

Slot #         % Heap Free        RTT      Average RTT
     2             88                103     103(30)

                 PFE #      % ENCAP mem Free      % NH mem Free      % FW mem Free         
                    0              NA                 80                 99
                    1              NA                 80                 99

Slot #         % Heap Free        RTT      Average RTT
     3             91                  0      --(--)

                 PFE #      % ENCAP mem Free      % NH mem Free      % FW mem Free         
                    0              99                 82                 72
                    1              99                 82                 72

show system resource-monitor fpc (Specific Slot)

content_copy zoom_out_map
show system resource-monitor fpc slot 2
FPC Resource Usage Summary

Free Heap Mem Watermark         : 20  %
Free NH Mem Watermark           : 20  %
Free Filter Mem Watermark       : 20  %       

* - Watermark reached

Slot #         % Heap Free        RTT      Average RTT
     2             88                103     103(30)

                 PFE #      % ENCAP mem Free      % NH mem Free      % FW mem Free         
                    0              NA                 80                 99
                    1              NA                 80                 99

show system resource-monitor summary

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show system resource-monitor summary
 Resource Usage Summary
 Throttle                       : Enabled
 Load Throttle                  : Enabled
 Heap Mem Threshold             : 70  
 IFL Counter Threshold          : 95  
 Round Trip Delay Threshold(ms) : 1000
 Filter Counter Threshold       : 100 
 Expansion Threshold            : 95  
 CoS Queue Threshold            : 0   
 MFS threshold                  : 70          Used : 0
 Slot +ACM- 0
      Client allowed                   : Yes
      Service allowed                  : Yes
      Heap memory used                 : 294197664       In  : 8
      Average Round-trip Delay(ms)     : 104  (30  )     
      Round-trip Delay(ms) : 101
      MAX session rate allowed(+ACU-)  : 100
      Client denied                    : 6
      Service Denied                   : 0
      Performance Denial Client        : 6
      Performance Denial Service       : 0
      IFL Denied                       : 0
       Filter counter memory      IFL counter memory   Expansion memory
       PFE    +ACM-         used         +AHw-       used  +AHw-  +ACU-  used  +AHw-   +ACU-
       0       23301216     29           420320      1       8337184      4        
      CoS Queue Utilization
      PFE +ACM-   Scheduler Block +ACM-        Used      +ACU-
          0                   0                 8140     49
          0                   1                 8140     49

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 15.1.
